Climate Bond Funding Webinar – March 17, 12:00
Join the Coastal Conservancy March 17 from 12:00-1:00 for a webinar about funding opportunities from the 2024 Climate Bond (Prop 4). Conservancy staff will provide an overview of our Climate Bond funding, our priorities, and how to apply for Conservancy grants. There will also be time for Q & A. A recording of the webinar will be posted on our website subsequently.
The webinar will be held via Microsoft Teams.
Join the meeting at 12:00 on 3/17
Meeting ID: 246 363 206 375
Passcode: KM3VW2zo
Dial in by phone
+1 949-943-1202,,351334718# United States, Irvine
Phone conference ID: 351 334 718#