Technical Assistance
The Coastal Conservancy staff is here to help your project succeed. We have developed a number of tools and resources for applying for grants, managing grants, and delivering your project.
Applying for Grants
The majority of the Conservancy’s funding is awarded through a rolling pre-application solicitation. The information below can help you prepare a competitive grant application.
- Information about Conservancy Grants
- Recording of Sept 2023 webinar on accessing Conservancy funding
- Recording of May 2023 webinar on accessing funding from the EPA, NOAA, and the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority
- Recording of Conservancy webinar on grant writing skills
- Conservancy Strategic Plan
- Conservancy Project Selection Criteria
- Sign up for the Conservancy Mailing List to be notified of upcoming webinars and scheduled grant rounds
- We also offer consultations on project ideas. To request a consultation, please contact a Regional Manager in the location(s) that your project will occur (North Coast, SF Bay Area, Central Coast, and South Coast) using the information on the Contact Us page.
Managing your Grant
After being awarded a grant, you should review the:
Following each Board meeting, the Conservancy hosts an onboarding webinar for new grantees. After your grant funding has been approved by the Board, you will be invited to one of these webinars. A recording of a Grantee Onboarding webinar from December 2024 can be found here.
Below are recordings from a 2021 Coastal Stories grant program onboarding that give useful guidance for managing most SCC grants. Detailed guidance can be found in the Grantee Manual.
- Grant Agreement
- Conditions Precedent
- Notice to Proceed
- Work Program
- Work Program Budget
- Plan for Acknowledgment
- How to Get Paid – Invoicing
- Progress Reports
- Request for Disbursement (RDF)
- Backup Documentation – Materials, Equipment, and Travel
- Backup Documentation – Subcontractors
- Project Completion
Making your Project a Success
Please stay in touch with your Conservancy Grant Manager throughout your project. The documents below aim to help you understand and meet our expectations.
Tips for Meaningful Community Engagement
Tips for Equitable Workforce Development in Environmental Conservation Projects
Incorporating Successful Community Engagement
Materials in Spanish/ Recursos y Documentos en Español
Several of the Conservancy’s key documents are available in Spanish here:
Recursos y Documentos en Español
La agencia estatal para la Conservación de la Costa (Coastal Conservancy) está al servicio de todos los californianos. La mayor parte de la información y los materiales de nuestro sitio web están escritos en inglés, lo que no refleja la diversidad lingüística de nuestro estado. Para obtener información en otros idiomas distintos del inglés, póngase en contacto con
For additional assistance or questions, please contact