San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Public Meeting – June 28, 2013
The State Coastal Conservancy held a public water trail implementation meeting on June 28, 2013 at 10 AM, at 1330 Broadway, 11th Floor Conference Room, Oakland, CA 94612.
San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail
Implementation Meeting #7
June 28, 2013
10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
State Coastal Conservancy
1330 Broadway, 11th Floor Conference Room
Oakland, California
Conference Call / Webinar Information:
- To participate remotely by telephone, dial 1-888-232-3870; Participant code: 226167. Please use your mute button when not speaking and do not put us “on hold.”
- For live, online viewing of meeting materials projected on screen to the meeting group, please register with “Gotomeeting” in advance of the meeting, allowing 15 minutes to finish that process. Join the meeting through this ID number: 455257210. The website address is Click “Join a Meeting” in the upper right-hand corner to download the software and join the meeting. Or, you can try using this address:
Desired Outcomes of Meeting:
- Project Management Team (PMT) makes final decision on conditional designation of Alviso Marina County Park.
- Attendees contribute updates on Water Trail-related developments and opportunities.
- Advisory Committee provides input on grant applications received by Water Trail staff in the context of site designation and from the perspective of the interest group they represent.
- Attendees understand the outline for the completion of the Water Trail Accessibility Plan, opportunities for involvement, and the timeline for its completion.
Time Agenda Item
10:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Agenda Review
10:10 Meeting Ground Rules
10:15 Updates from Project Management Team, Water Trail Staff, and Advisory Committee Members
10:35 Alviso Marina County Park
Final Decision on Conditional Site Designation by PMT
10:45 Water Trail Grant Program update and input
- Introduction
- In-depth discussion of Petaluma Small Craft Boat Center grant application summary, proposed project, and map
11:30 15-minute BREAK
11:45 Water Trail Grant Program update and input (continued)
- Summary presentation of other grant applications received (Palo Alto Baylands Sail Station and Oyster Point Marina)
- General discussion of site improvement needs
12:10 Accessibility Plan Update
- Outline of Accessibility Plan (Table of Contents)
- Opportunities for involvement and review of drafts
- Timeline for completion
12:50 Public Comment
1:00 Adjourn
Agenda items may be taken out sequence at the discretion of the Project Management Team and may take more or less time than the approximate times listed here.
Questions regarding this meeting may be addressed to Ms. Ann Buell, Coastal Conservancy Project Manager at (510) 286-0752, or
The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact Mr. Dick Wayman at (510) 286-4182 or no later than five days prior to the meeting.