Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting January 23, 2014

Meeting Notice

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chairman
Marisa Moret (Public Member)
Ann Notthoff (Public Member)
Peter Sadowski (Public Member)
John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash (Designated)
Steve Kinsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Susan Hansch (Designated)
Michael Cohen, Director, Department of Finance; Karen Finn (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Anthony Cannella (District 12)
Noreen Evans (District 2)

Assembly Representatives
Luis Alejo (District 30)
Al Murastsuchi (Diestrict 66)
Das Williams (District 37)

Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer
Jonathon Gurish, Legal Counsel


DATE: January 23, 2014
TIME: 10:00 am
LOCATION: City Hall – Council Chambers
9770 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA

1. Roll Call.

2. Approval of Conservancy Minutes of December 5, 2013 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to expand the scope of the Conservancy’s February 14, 2013, authorization with respect to the Circle G Ranch on Carpinteria Creek in Santa Barbara County to include procurement of governmental permits necessary to construct fish passage improvements.

B. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to provide up to $119,985 to the City of Watsonville and the Regents of University of California to implement three projects focused on the recovery of the Southern sea otter (Santa Barbara through San Mateo counties).

C. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to augment the Conservancy’s December 2, 2010 authorization to the San Francisco Estuary Institute with an additional amount of up to $25,000 for the Historical Ecology Study of North San Diego County Coastal Wetlands project.


A. Discussion of a proposed joint powers agreement between the Conservancy, the Association of Bay Area Governments (“ABAG”)and the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.


5. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $3,078,623 to 20 nonprofit organizations and public agencies for Climate Ready projects that sequester greenhouse gases and/or address the effects of climate change on coastal resources.


6. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $200,000 to the City of Solana Beach to reconstruct the Del Mar Shores beach-access stairway at the southern end of the City of Solana Beach in San Diego County.

7. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $156,250 to the San Diego River Conservancy for San Diego River Trail Planning at Grant Park in the City of San Diego.


8. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $206,500 to the Muir Heritage Land Trust for design and construction of public access, grazing, and habitat improvements on the contiguous Franklin Canyon and Fernandez Ranch properties in the City of Hercules and in unincorporated Contra Costa County.

9. Closed Sessions

Possible closed session to confer regarding: Conservancy real estate negotiators to give instructions regarding the price and terms of payment for the sale of the Conservancy’s Victorine Ranch Property (Monterey County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 243-211-025,    243-211-026 and 243-221-019).  The session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(7).  Malibu-Encinal Homeowners Association v. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, et al, Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BS 431798;    Pappas v State of California, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388; and other pending litigation; and/or to consider the initiation of litigation.  Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e).

10. Conservancy Member Comments.

11. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items.

12. Adjournment


N.B.:  Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Board.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Dick Wayman at (510) 286-4182  or at the Conservancy: 1330 Broadway, 13th Floor,       Oakland, CA 94612

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Mr. Wayman no later than five days prior to meeting.
Conservancy Board Tour Information:

Conservancy tour begins at noon in Compton at Washington Elementary School, 1421 N Wilmington Ave. to see the multi-benefit park/schoolyard project. The Park entry is at the end of  W. Cressey Street. From there we’ll go to San Pedro to see waterfront access sites, then along the  Palos Verdes peninsula where we have done a range of projects including the Coastal Trail, habitat enhancement and interpretive projects, and then up to Santa Monica for a reception at the Pier Aquarium around 5:00 pm.

The tour is open to the public, but you must provide your own transportation.  Please contact Carmen Estrada-Polley at (510) 286-0343  by January 17, 2014,if you plan to participate in the tour.