Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Sacramento – June 25, 2015

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chairman
Sara Ramirez Giroux (Public Member)
Ann Notthoff (Public Member)
Peter Sadowski (Public Member)
John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources;Julie Alvis (Designated)
Steve Kinsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Susan Hansch (Designated)
Michael Cohen, Director, Department of Finance; Karen Finn (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Anthony Cannella (District 12)
Jerry Hill (District 13)

Assembly Representatives
Luis Alejo (District 30)
Mark Stone (District 29)
Das Williams (District 37)

Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer
Glenn Alex, Legal Counsel


DATE: June 25th, 2015
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
LOCATION: California Environmental Protection Agency
Coastal Hearing Room, 2nd floor
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95812


2. Approval of the minutes of the Conservancy’s March 26, 2015 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $200,000 to the Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to implement Phase 2B of the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project in Humboldt County.

B. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $50,000 to the Northwest California Resource Conservation and Development Council’s Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program for the Sidney Gulch fish passage barrier removal project on the Trinity River in Trinity County.

C. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $75,000 to the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County to prepare a county-wide conservation plan in cooperation with other conservation organizations and interested entities, Santa Barbara County.

D. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse an additional $2.2 million of Conservancy funds to California-American Water Company for implementation of the San Clemente Dam Removal in Monterey County and to increase the maximum contribution of State funds for the project to $30 million.

E. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $190,000 for consulting services to assist the Conservancy in maintaining and improving federal financial support for Conservancy projects.

F. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $215,000 to the Sonoma Resource Conservation District to construct an off-channel irrigation pond to remove water diversion from Grape Creek and improve critical in-stream habitat for coho salmon.

G. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $145,000 to Urban Tilth for preparation of plans for restoring riparian and stream habitat on Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks between Interstate 80 and San Pablo Bay wetlands in the City of San Pablo and the community of North Richmond in Contra Costa County.

H. Consideration and possible Conservancy adoption of a resolution to extend worker’s compensation program benefits to State Coastal Conservancy volunteers.

I. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to enter into a Joint Powers Authority Agreement with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to enable the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to undertake property monitoring in the Eel River Watershed, Mendocino and Lake Counties.

J. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,100,000 to the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County for the Integrated Watershed Restoration Program in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties.


A. Consideration and possible Conservancy adoption of Proposition 1 Grant Guidelines

B. Consideration and possible Conservancy adoption of Strategic Plan update

C. Legislative Report


5. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $800,000 for final design, engineering, permitting, and other planning work necessary for restoration of the Bel Marin Keys Unit V component of the Hamilton Wetland Restoration Project in Marin County.

6. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to Marin Audubon Society for the acquisition of a 5.2 acre property adjoined to the north, east and south by the Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve in Marin County.

7. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $300,000 to the Marin County Open Space District to acquire the 16 acre Sky Ranch property adjacent to the Bald Hill Open Space Preserve and Marin Municipal Water District land in Marin County.


8. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to The Nature Conservancy to restore 238 acres of the Hanson property on the Santa Clara River in Ventura County.

9. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $300,000 to the Aquatic Science Center  for technical assistance needed to update the Regional Strategy for the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project.


10. [POSTPONED] Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to The Wildlands Conservancy for the acquisition of the approximately 547-acre Estero Ranch property in southwestern Sonoma County for the purposes of habitat protection, public access and agricultural preservation.

11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the Trust for Public Land to acquire the 688-acre parcel known as the Richardson-Kashia property for the purposes of natural resource protection and public access in coastal Sonoma County.

12. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $475,000 to the  Marin Agricultural Land Trust for the acquisition of a conservation easement over the 330-acre Gallagher Ranch in west Marin County.

13. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $300,000 to the Save-the-Redwoods League to prepare habitat enhancement and public access conceptual designs for the Orick Mill Site Restoration Project in Humboldt County.


14. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission towards design, engineering and environmental analysis of a portion of Segment 5 and all of Segment 7 of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail,in northern Santa Cruz County.

15. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the Trust for Public Land to acquire a 14.7 acre parcel in lower Arroyo Burro watershed, Santa Barbara County.

16. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $360,000 of Carmel River Settlement funds to the Carmel River Steelhead Association to install large woody debris in the Carmel River Lagoon to enhance rearing habitat for steelhead, Monterey County.


17. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,974,579 to 11 nonprofit organizations and public agencies for Climate Ready projects that sequester greenhouse gases and/or address the effects of climate change on coastal resources.


Possible closed session:

A. To confer regarding pending litigation or anticipated litigation (Malibu-Encinal Homeowners Association v. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, et al, Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BS 431798; Pappas v State of California, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388; and other pending litigation; and/or to consider the initiation of litigation). Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e).

B. To give direction to the Conservancy’s real estate negotiators regarding the price and terms of payment for the sale of the Conservancy’s Victorine Ranch Property (Monterey County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 243-211-025, 243-211-026 and 243-221-019). Session will be closed pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(7).




N.B.: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Dick Wayman at:

(510) 286-4182 or at the Conservancy: 1330 Broadway, 13th Floor Oakland, CA 94612

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Mr. Wayman no later than five days prior to meeting.