Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in San Francisco – March 24, 2016

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair
Sara Ramirez Giroux (Public Member)
Ann Notthoff (Public Member)
Peter Sadowski (Public Member)
John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash (Designated)
Steve Kinsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Susan Hansch (Designated)
Michael Cohen, Director, Department of Finance; Karen Finn (Designated)

Senate Representatives:
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Anthony Cannella (District 12)
Jerry Hill (District 13)

Assembly Representatives:
Luis Alejo (District 30)
Mark Stone (District 29)
Das Williams (District 37)

Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, Chief Counsel


DATE: March 24, 2016
TIME:  10:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Exploratorium,  Bay Observatory – Upper Level
San Francisco, CA

To access the Bay Observatory at the Exploratorium, do not use the general museum entrance. Use the south walkway of Pier 17, cross the foot bridge near the bay-side end of the pier, and enter at the ground floor of the Bay Observatory.  Use the elevator or stairs at that entrance to reach the upper level of the Bay Observatory.


2.   APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s January 28, 2016 public meeting.


A.  Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $100,000 to the Gualala River Watershed Council to develop a natural resource enhancement program, the Productive Lands and Streams Program, for properties in the Gualala River Watershed in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties.

B.   Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $185,989 to the Solano Land Trust to enhance and monitor seasonal wetland, riparian, and upland habitat at a 9-acre site along Upper Spring Branch Creek, Rush Ranch, Solano County and to create an endowment for ongoing maintenance and monitoring of the project site; and adoption of relevant findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

C.   Consideration  and possible modification of the Conservancy’s April 18, 2013 authorization for disbursement of $869,300 to The Regents of the University of California for the preparation of design, engineering, environmental and permit application documents and surveys for restoration of the Upper Devereux Slough, Santa Barbara County, by revising the scope of the planning activities and by augmenting  the funding by up to $650,000, including $500,000 of mitigation funds from the City of Santa Barbara.


A.   Walk the Coastal Trail

B.   Legislative Report


5.  Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $4,000,000, of which $3,000,000 will be reimbursed by a grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, for planning, management, treatment, monitoring, and restoration activities to implement the Invasive Spartina Project within the San Francisco Estuary from 2016-2019 and related finding under the California Environmental Quality Act.

6.  Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,373,000 in funds provided by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for implementation of the San Francisco Bay Creosote Piling Removal and Pacific Herring Restoration Project, and adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.


7.   Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,580,000 to the Elkhorn Slough Foundation to acquire the 107-acre Sand Hills Farm Property in the Elkhorn Slough watershed in Monterey County.


8.  Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $649,000 to the Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to implement Phase 2A (Upper) of the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project, and related determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.

9.  Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $350,000 to the City of Eureka for tidal wetlands restoration planning and preparation of permit applications in and adjacent to the Elk River Estuary on Humboldt Bay in Humboldt County.


10.  Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $1,795,960 to  nonprofit organizations and public agencies for 57 projects that facilitate and enhance the public’s opportunities to explore the coast of California and the San Francisco Bay shorelineand adoption of relevant findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


Possible closed sessions:

A. To confer regarding pending litigation or anticipated litigation (Malibu-Encinal Homeowners Association v. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, et al, Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BS 431798; Pappas v State of California, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388; and other pending litigation; and/or to consider the initiation of litigation). Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e).

B.  To give direction to the Conservancy’s real estate negotiators regarding the price and terms of payment for the sale of the Conservancy’s Victorine Ranch Property (Monterey County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 243-211-025, 243-211-026 and 243-221-019). Session will be closed pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(7).




Conservancy Board Tour

Beginning at 1:30 pm,  the board will tour Conservancy funded projects located in  the  Exploratorium.   Meet in the Bay Observatory on the upper level.  Please RSVP by March 21, 2016   if you plan to attend the meeting and tour.


N.B.:   Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Mr. Wayman no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Dick Wayman at
(510) 286-4182 or at the Conservancy:
1330 Broadway, 13th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612