November 2008 Board Meeting

Meeting Notice


Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chairman

Jeremy M. Hallisey (Public Member)

Marisa Moret (Public Member)

Ann Notthoff (Public Member)

Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources; Karen Scarborough (Designated)

Patrick Kruer, Coastal Commission Chair; Susan Hansch (Designated)

Michael Genest, Director, Department of Finance; Karen Finn (Designated)


Senate Representatives                                   Assembly Representatives

Abel Maldonado (District 15)                        Loni Hancock (District 14)

Joseph Simitian (District 11)                           John Laird (District 27)

Christine Kehoe (District 39)                          Patty Berg (District 1)


Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer

Pat Peterson, Deputy Attorney General

Jack Judkins, Legal Counsel




LOCATION: Monterey Conference Center

Colton I and II Conference Room

One Portola Plaza

Monterey, CA

DATE: Thursday, November 6, 2008

TIME: 9:00 am


  1. Roll Call


  1. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2008 Public Meeting.




  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization for the Association of Bay Area Governments to disburse up to $58,749 of previously-authorized Conservancy funds to Environmental Volunteers to construct a segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail adjacent to the Sea Scout Ecocenter in the Palo Alto Baylands, Santa Clara County.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $82,700 to the Napa County Resource Conservation District to develop a Fish Barrier Removal Planat 21 sites in the Napa River basin, Napa County.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $95,000 to the Marin Audubon Society to complete the Bahia wetland restoration, Novato, Marin County.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $96,000 to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to acquire and prepare a stewardship plan for the 53-acre Drapeau property on the Ventura River in Ventura County.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $97,000 to the City of Richmond to construct a 465-foot-long segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail along Canal Boulevard in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County.


  1. Executive Officer’s Report
  2. Climate Change Report
  3. Big Sur Land Trust Presentation
  4. Fish Passage Presentation
  5. Adoption of 2009 Conservancy Meeting Schedule




  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $7,180,000 to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County for the Watsonville Slough Acquisitions to protect and restore natural resources, and to provide public access in southern Santa Cruz County.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $5,000,000 to the American Land Conservancy for the acquisition of approximately 2,400 acres known as Wild Cherry Canyon in San Luis Obispo County for the protection and restoration of natural resources and for public access consistent with those purposes.




  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy reauthorization to disburse up to $770,000 to the Northcoast Regional Land Trust to acquire the 77-acre McNamara Dairy in Orick, California.




  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to: (1) disburse up to $4,250,000 for Phase I implementation of the South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project; and (2) disburse an additional $300,000 towards the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Study.


  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $700,000 to the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation to construct the Laguna Interpretive Center at the Laguna Learning Center site overlooking the main channel of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, in southwestern Sonoma County.




  1. Consideration and possible Conservancy authorization to disburse an amount up to $600,000 to Coastwalk, Inc. to sign and map existing and new segments of the California Coastal Trail, and to provide information about the trail to the public.


  1. Deputy Attorney General’s Report


  1. Board Member Comments


  1. Public Comments


  1. Possible closed session to confer regarding: United States of America vs. 127.60 Acres of Land, more or less, situated in San Diego County, State of California; the County of San Diego; and Other Interested Parties, U.S. District Court, Southern District of California, Civil No. 06CV1670W NLS; and other pending litigation; and/or to consider the initiation of litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126 (e).


  1. Adjournment



N.B.:   Following or at any time during the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney‑client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Section 11126(a), (c)(7), and (e).






Carmel River Board Tour


12:45pm – 3pm

The Conservancy tour will begin at the Best Western Monterey Bay Inn, 825 Abrego Street, MontereyWe will vanpool and tour the San Clemente Dam reservoir.  Each person attending the tour will need to RSVP to by October 31st and sign a liability form required by the landowner, California American Water.  Those attending the San Clemente Tour must be ready to leave the hotel at 12:45PM! Pre-arranged vans will be the only vehicles allowed on this tour and they will leave the hotel promptly at 1pm.  There will be a presentation on the Carmel River Reroute and San Clemente Dam Removal project at the reservoir.


3:45 – 5pm

The tour will continue to the lower Carmel River floodplain and the Palo Corona Park entrance. The Big Sur Land Trust will be giving a presentation on their efforts to restore the lower river floodplain with support from the Conservancy.  If you will be joining the tour at this time, you must provide your own vehicle.  To get to Palo Corona Park entrance, follow Highway 1 south of Carmel.  Once you pass Rio Road, it is approximately 2 miles to the Palo Corona Park entrance. Park on the east shoulder north of the entrance



For more information, contact Dick Wayman at the Conservancy:


1330 Broadway, 13th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 286‑4182