Community Engagement for the Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project
The California State Coastal Conservancy requests the services of an expert in participatory community engagement to develop and implement robust community engagement for the Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project (Project), located in the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve in the City of Los Angeles. The Contractor will develop and implement community participation that is representative of the diversity and demographics of the Los Angeles County regarding the Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project. The Conservancy and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (the landowner and project lead) aim to understand the concerns, experience, and priorities of the Los Angeles residents to implement the Ballona Wetland Restoration Project in a way that is inclusive and accessible to respective visitors.
The Conservancy is seeking a Contractor with strong experience in underserved community engagement and justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work to develop and implement a community engagement process for the Project. Please see the complete request for services for the proposed scope of services.
To apply, you will need to include qualifications, project approach, project team, resume, examples of relevant projects, and three references. More information on how to apply is available in the Request for Services.
Submittals must be received by 5:00 pm on April 15, 2022.
An electronic copy (in PDF format; less than 20 Mb in size) of the submittal should be emailed to Megan Cooper, South Coast Regional Manager, State Coastal Conservancy, Megan.cooper@
An acknowledgment that the Conservancy has received the submittal will be sent by email. If your submittal is not acknowledged by then, please call Megan Cooper at 510-286-4162.