Coastal Conservancy Logos
The Coastal Conservancy’s logo can be downloaded in AI, JPEG or PNG below. For additional vector files, other colorways, or alternative lockups, please talk to your grant manager or email
The Coastal Conservancy Logo comes in three lockups for use in different formats and contexts. The Centered logo (below) should be used whenever the logo is aligned to the center of an object such as a printed page or the front of a shirt. The Stacked logo and Banner logo should be used only when vertical space is limited.
All of the logo lockups are available in three colors. The logo should be rendered in Pacific Blue (Pantone: 7705C, CMYK: C=90 M=40 Y=25 K=0, RGB: R=0 G=127 B=164) whenever possible. For black and white reproductions of the logo with light colored backgrounds, Black versions of the logos are available. White versions of the logos are also available for knocking the logo out of a solid field of color, an image, etc. It is not recommended to set the logo in any other color.
A high-res AI version of the logo can be downloaded here:
Below are good examples of how to use the SCC logo in signage, and how to acknowledge Conservancy funding without using the logo.