Newark Baylands Acquisition

In accordance with the Conservancy’s Acquisition Review and Disclosure Policy, please see the Newark Baylands Acquisition Project Summary and Newark Baylands Review Appraisal. Staff intends to recommend the Conservancy authorize a grant of up to $3,000,000 to the Trust for Public Land (TPL) to purchase 430 acres of Newark Baylands (Area 4) (including Alameda County’s Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 537-0850-011-01, 537-0850-007-02, 537-0850-011-04, 537-0801-002-06, and 537-0850-009) for the protection and restoration of habitat, climate resilience, public access, and tribal cultural uses along the shoreline of South San Francisco Bay at the upcoming November 21, 2024 Board Meeting.

Newark Baylands Acquisition Project Summary

Newark Baylands Review Appraisal