Stay abreast on how we are protecting and improving the resources of the California coast.
The Coastal Conservancy is a State agency established in 1976 to protect and improve natural lands and waterways, help people access and enjoy the outdoors, and sustain local economies along the length of California’s coast and around San Francisco Bay.
More... (feature)News
Press Release: Coastal Conservancy Awards over $40 million for coastal access, restoration, and climate resilience
Sea Otter Recovery Grants RFP Now Open!
Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Oakland – April 18
See more than 2300 Coastal Conservancy projects statewide--find one near you.
California’s sea otters need your help, and there’s an easy way to do it!
Public Meetings for Santa Ana River Parkway & Open Space Plan
The Santa Ana River Conservancy is pleased to announce two upcoming opportunities for the public to share their ideas and priorities for the Santa Ana River Parkway & Open Space Plan. Please join us at these free public workshops to learn more about the Plan and to share your priorities and ideas!
June 27, 2017
Public Workshop at City of Redlands Contemporary Art Club
For more information and to RSVP:
June 28, 2017
Public Workshop at the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center.
For more information and to RSVP: