San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail – Accessibility Subcommittee Meeting


September 17, 2013

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

State Coastal Conservancy

1330 Broadway, 11th Floor Conference Room

Oakland, California


Conference Call Information:

  • To participate remotely by telephone, dial 1-888-232-3870; Participant code: 226167. Please use your mute button when not speaking and do not put us “on hold.”
  • For live, online viewing of meeting materials projected on screen, if any, please register with “Gotomeeting” in advance of the meeting, allowing 15 minutes to finish that process. Join the meeting through this ID number: 875255610.  The website address is Click “Join a Meeting” in the upper right-hand corner to download the software and join the meeting. Or, you can try using this address:


Desired Outcomes of Meeting:

  • Meeting attendees become (re-)acquainted with one another, and with purpose of sub-committee and its relationship to Water Trail Advisory Committee.
  • Key points from “Issues and Recommendations for Improved Accessibility” are clarified and discussed for their merits and usefulness in Water Trail planning and implementation.
  • Sub-committee members give feedback on draft accessibility survey and provide suggestions for broad and appropriate dissemination.
  • Sub-committee members provide Water Trail staff with guidance regarding what kinds of sites they might like to visit with staff and why.
  • Water Trail staff understands how boat storage could help increase access to non-motorized small boat use for persons with disabilities: structural design, location of storage on site, onsite staff assistance, and for which boat types.

Time    Agenda

10:00   Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review, Ground Rules

10:10   Purpose of Sub-Committee and Clarification of Roles

10:15   Discussion of new draft accessibility survey

  • Breadth and clarity of questions asked
  • Proper handling of inquiries into type of disability
  • Dissemination of survey

10:45   Proposed site visits on September 25

  • Discussion of what you would like to accomplish by going to sites together
  • Which sites and why

11:05   Discussion of “Issues and Recommendations for Improved Accessibility” for the San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail.

  • Launch types evaluated – high float, low float, boat launch piers, low bank sandy beach, steep bank (p. 3)
  • Specific recommended solutions (p. 6 – 20)
  • Seven categories of key information (p. 4)

11:40   Boat storage – What kind of storage works?

11:50   Public comment

12:00   Adjourn

The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact Mr. Dick Wayman at (510) 286-4182 or no later than five days prior to the meeting.