Proposition 1 Grants
Proposition 1 grants fund multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. The Conservancy adopted its Proposition 1 Grant Program Guidelines in September 2016. Priority project types include: water sustainability improvements, anadromous fish habitat enhancement, wetland restoration and urban greening. For more details on the Coastal Conservancy’s priorities, please review our Strategic Plan.
Our current solicitation seeks to fund projects in Central California (San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties) and Southern California (Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties)(see map here). The Conservancy expects to have about $3 million in funding available for Central California and $2 million in funding available for Southern California. There are no minimum or maximum award amounts, though most funded projects are typically between $50,000 and $1,000,000.
The deadline for applications is July 31, 2020.
- Proposition 1 Central and South Coast Proposal Solicitation, 2020
- Proposition 1 Grant Application (download)
- Non-profit Organization Pre-Award Questionnaire (please download before filling out)
- Conservation Corps Consultant Review Document
- Proposition 1, Grant Round 13 Webinar Recording
Prop 1 Grants Awarded by Coastal Conservancy
Below is a list of the Coastal Conservancy’s Proposition 1 grants with links to the staff recommendations.
Alameda Creek Fish Passage Project
Alameda County Water District will build two fish ladders on lower Alameda Creek that will enable steelhead trout to bypass a weir and two rubber dams and migrate to miles of available spawning and rearing habitat.
Albany Beach Restoration & Public Access Project
East Bay Regional Park District will enhance approximately four acres of native beach, dune, and wetland habitats and construct rain gardens at Albany Beach, City of Albany, Alameda County.
Alder Creek Restoration Project
East Bay Regional Park District will restore habitat and improve water quality on a section of Alder Creek, a tributary of Upper San Leandro Creek in the Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve in Contra Costa County.
Arroyo Burro Open Space Restoration
City of Santa Barbara will restore riparian habitat along lower Arroyo Burro Creek.
Big Canyon – Upper Newport Bay Design
The Newport Bay Conservancy will conduct feasibility studies and prepare designs, environmental analysis, and permit applications for the restoration of coastal sage upland, riparian, and freshwater marsh habitats within the 60-acre Big Canyon Nature Park.
Marin County Open Space District will prepare construction plans, permit applications and environmental documents for the Bolinas Lagoon Wye Project, located in Bolinas, Marin County.
The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority will complete final design and build the Caballero Creek Park at the confluence of Caballero Creek and the Los Angeles River in the San Fernando Valley area of the City of Los Angeles.
Candlestick Point Rainwater Harvesting & Education
Literacy for Environmental Justice will install native gardens, a native plant nursery, a stormwater harvesting system and green infrastructure at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area in San Francisco.
Carbon Farming for Agriculture and Watershed Resiliency
Marin Resource Conservation District, partnering with the Marin Carbon Project, will develop 10 ranch carbon farming plans and implement up to 10 carbon farming projects on ranches in western Marin County to improve agricultural land and watershed system resiliency to climate change.
Cardiff Beach Living Shoreline Project, Design
The City of Encinitas will plan and design a dune restoration project at Cardiff State Beach, County of San Diego
Carr Lake Property Acquisition
The Big Sur Land Trust will acquire the 73-acre Carr Lake Property in Salinas to preserve and enhance natural resources and improve the water quality.
Central-Jefferson High Green Alley Project
The Trust for Public Land will implement the Central-Jefferson High Green Alley Project in the City of Los Angeles.
Chadd Creek Culvert Removal and Bridge Install
The Eel River Watershed Improvement Group will remove an undersized 12-inch diameter culvert and install a 20 ft. wide x 40 ft. long simple span bridge on lower Chadd Creek, tributary to the South Fork Eel River in Humboldt County.
Cochran Creek Fish Passage and Channel Restoration: Planning and Design
Coastal Ecosystems Institute of Northern California will prepare construction design, environmental and permit application documents for the Cochran Creek Fish Passage and Channel Restoration project on Fay Slough near Eureka.
Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust will construct of the Del Amo Neighborhood Park, an urban greening project, in West Carson in south Los Angeles County.
Downtown Redwood City Creek Restoration Project
Acterra: Action for a Healthy Planet will restore a degraded reach of Redwood Creek, install interpretive signs, and engage the community in the project. The project is located in the City of Redwood City.
East Branch Russian Gulch Fish Passage Improvement Project
The Wildlands Conservancy will complete final designs and implement six fish passage and habitat improvement projects in the East Branch of the Russian Gulch in coastal Sonoma County.
Eel River Estuary and Centerville Slough Enhancement Project
The Wildlands Conservancy will implement the Eel River Estuary and Centerville Slough Enhancement Project on the Eel River Estuary Preserve. The goal of the Project is to improve geomorphic and ecosystem function on the preserve.
El Monte Youth Recreation Center Urban Greening
Amigos de los Rios will design and implement an urban greening project at the El Monte Youth Recreation Center in the City of El Monte.
Elk Creek Restoration Feasibility Study
The Smith River Alliance will prepare a feasibility study of fish and wildlife habitat restoration opportunities in Elk Creek in Del Norte County.
Elk River Estuary & Intertidal Wetlands Enhancement
The City of Eureka will conduct restoration planning and preparation of permit applications for tidal wetlands in and adjacent to the Elk River Estuary.
Elk River Estuary and Tidal Wetlands Enhancement
The City of Eureka will complete final design and permitting of the Elk River Estuary Tidal Marsh Restoration Project on Humboldt Bay. The goal of this project is to restore ~104 acres of tidal marsh, construct one mile of associated coastal trail and a non-motorized boating access ramp.
Elkhorn Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project
Elkhorn Slough Foundation will retore tidal wetlands and connected uplands in Elkhorn Slough.
Gaviota Creek Fish Passage Project
Earth Island Institute will prepare preliminary design and engineering plans for the removal of five fish passage barriers along Gaviota Creek.
Gazos and Valencia Creek Watersheds Conservation
Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) will acquire the 320-acre Gazos Creek property located near Butano State Park which will facilitate POST’s acquisition of a conservation easement over the 607-acre Valencia Creek in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Green Infrastructure in Richmond’s Iron Triangle Neighborhood
The City of Richmond will implement a multi-benefit urban greening project in the City’s Iron Triangle neighborhood.
Hanson Russian River Pond Restoration Project
Endangered Habitats Conservancy will develop a reclamation plan and engineering designs, environmental documentation and permit applications for restoration of a 357-acre property located in the Russian River floodplain near Windsor, CA.
Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Restoration Project
California Trout will stabilize and regrade approximately 900 feet of streambed on Santa Paula Creek below the Harvey Diversion dam to restore fish passage.
Hill Ranch Conservation Easement Acquisition
The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County will acquire a conservation easement on the 1779-acre Hill Ranch in near Cayucos for purposes of habitat protection, preservation of agriculture and open space, protection of water supply and water quality.
Hollydale Regional Park Green Infrastructure
Amigos de los Rios will plan and implement an urban greening project at Hollydale Regional Park in the City of South Gate in Los Angeles County.
Horse Valley Creek and Wetland Restoration Project
East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy will restore riparian, wetland, and upland habitat in Horse Valley on the Roddy Ranch Property in Antioch.
Indian Creek Habitat Connectivity and Restoration Project
The Yurok Tribe’s Indian Creek Habitat Connectivity and Restoration Project will restore the connectivity for Coho and Chinook salmon between the upper and lower reaches of Indian Creek, a tributary to the Trinity River.
Integrated Watershed Restoration Program Phase 5
Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County for the Integrated Watershed Restoration Program in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties.
Jacoby Creek Water Enhancement Feasibility Study
Humboldt County Department of Public Works will develop a feasibility study for community-supported, anadromous fish habitat enhancement and flood reduction projects in the lower Jacoby Creek watershed, adjacent to Humboldt Bay.
Lagunitas Creek Floodplain and Riparian Enhancement
The Salmon Protection and Watershed Network will produce design plans, prepare permit applications and provide environmental compliance for restoration of floodplain coho salmon rearing habitat in Lagunitas Creek in Marin.
Lake Dalwigk Urban Greening Project
Solano Resource Conservation District will implement an urban greening project at the Lake Dalwigk Detention Basin in the City of Vallejo to enhance wildlife habitat and create easily accessed open space that encourages residents to visit for relaxation and exercise.
LandSmart on the Ground for Sonoma Creek Vineyards
The Sonoma Resource Conservation District will design and implement conservation practices to increase water sustainability at four vineyards in the Sonoma Creek watershed in Sonoma County.
Living Schoolyards for Oakland
Trust for Public Land convert asphalt playgrounds at five public schools in the City of Oakland to schoolyards with shade trees, native plant landscaping, nature-based play areas, vegetable gardening spaces, and bioswales to infiltrate stormwater.
Loma Alta Slough Wetlands Enhancement Plan
City of Oceanside will complete planning, design, and environmental documentation related to restoration of the Loma Alta Slough in San Diego County
Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration and Planning
The Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority will conduct technical studies and environmental review of the Los Cerritos Wetlands restoration conceptual plan in the cities of Seal Beach and Long Beach.
Los Penasquitos Lagoon Restoration, Design
The Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Foundation will complete environmental review of the draft Enhancement Plan and develop a feasibility study and restoration design for wetland restoration project at the Lagoon.
Lower Eel River Delta: Salt River Ecosystem Restoration
The Humboldt County Resource Conservation District will implement Phase 2A of the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project in the lower Eel River Delta.
Lower Green Valley Creek Coho Migration Enhancement Project
The North Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council will develop conceptual designs at least two off-channel coho salmon habitat enhancement projects; develop comprehensive water conservation plans on at least three priority agricultural properties; and construct a 100,000 gallon rainwater catchment system in the Lower Green Valley Creek.
Lower Mattole River Salmon Habitat Enhancement Project
Mattole Restoration Council will complete three projects to improve salmonid habitat in the Mattole River estuary, Humboldt County.
Lower Prairie Creek Restoration Planning Project
Save-the-Redwoods League sill prepare designs and environmental documents for habitat enhancement and restoration for the Lower Prairie Creek, north of Orick.
Lower Putah Creek Chinook Salmon Spawning Habitat Enhancement Project
Solano Water Agency will enhance salmon spawning habitat in Lower Putah Creek in Solano County.
Madrona Marsh Vernal Pool Restoration
The City of Torrence will restore and enhance important wetland habitat by re-establishing the floodplain surrounding three vernal pools at Madrona Marsh. Contractors and Friends of Madrona Marsh volunteers will plant native plants and remove invasive, non-native plant species.
Malibu Living Shorelines Restoration Project
The Bay Foundation will design and implement a dune restoration and monitoring at Zuma and Point Dume County Beaches.
Manzanita Canyon Habitat Restoration
Ocean Discovery Institute will restore habitat in Manzanita Canyon in San Diego.
San Diego Canyonlands will prepare plans to address sediment management, streambed stabilization, and native habitat restoration in Maple Canyon in the City of San Diego.
Redwood Community Action Agency will enhance and restore wetlands, water quality, and fish and wildlife habitat in and adjacent to Martin Slough in the Elk River watershed in Humboldt County
Mattole Headwater Groundwater, Streamflow and Habitat Enhancement
Sanctuary Forest will implement two habitat restoration projects, located in Baker Creek and Lost River, for the purpose of improving salmonid habitat in these two tributaries to the headwaters of the Mattole River.
Mattole River Headwaters Habitat Enhancement Planning Project
Sanctuary Forest will develop a plan to design and prepare for implementation 185 non-engineered instream habitat enhancement projects in the upper Mattole River in Humboldt County.
Merced Avenue Greenway Project
The City of South El Monte will prepare plans, designs, environmental analyses, and permit applications for creation of the Merced Avenue Greenway in the City of South El Monte, Los Angeles County.
Mid-Klamath Floodplain/Mine Tailing Plan
The Mid-Klamath Watershed Council will plan for the restoration of floodplain habitat and floodplain-river connectivity along a 70-mile reach of the Klamath River extending from the Shasta River to Elk Creek in remote Siskiyou County.
Montesol Ranch Watershed Protection Acquisition
The Trust for Public Land acquired a conservation easement to be held by the Land Trust of Napa County over the 7,286-acre Montesol Ranch, of which 6,184 acres are in northern Napa County, to preserve and enhance the watershed resources of the property and to protect the water quality of Lake Berryessa.
Muir Woods National Monument Salmon Habitat Restoration
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy will restore salmon habitat in Redwood Creek at the Muir Woods National Monument
Napa River Oakville to Oak Knoll Restoration Project: Group B
County of Napa will restore a reach of the Napa River to enhance long-term river and floodplain function, improve habitat and water quality, and reduce property damage through bank stabilization.
Napa River Restoration – Oakville to Oak Knoll Reach
Napa County will restore floodplain and riparian habitat along the Napa River to achieve a number of goals, including improved ecological function, improved water quality and reduced flooding.
Napa River Watershed Urban Stream Enhancement
The Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District will enhance urban streambanks by controlling erosion, managing non-native invasive plants, and involving youth in native riparian planting on three priority streams in the Napa River watershed.
Neefus Gulch Coho Salmon Barrier Removal Project Design
Trout Unlimited will prepare designs for two fish passage improvement projects on Neefus Gulch, tributary to the North Fork Navarro River in Mendocino County.
North Richmond Watershed Connections
Contra Costa County Public Works Department’s Watershed Program will install rain gardens and bioswales, street trees, and other watershed-focused public “trail ” amenities along Fred Jackson Way in North Richmond.
Ocean Connectors Program, San Diego Bay Wildlife Refuge
Under the Ocean Foundation’s Ocean Connectors program approximately 700 students and their families will participate in educational and restoration activities on two acres of coastal habitats within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Ormond Beach Acquisition – Southland Sod Farm
The Nature Conservancy will acquire the 561-acre Southland Sod Farm property near Ormond Beach in Oxnard.
Pajaro Valley Groundwater Recharge Facility
The Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County will implement the Pajaro Valley Groundwater Recharge Project to construct an approximately 5-acre managed aquifer recharge facility located approximately 900-feet north of the Pajaro River.
The City of Santa Barbara will acquire the 5.3-acre Palermo Property to protect riparian, wetland, and upland habitat and eliminate the threat of future residential development in this important portion of the floodplain of Arroyo Burro Creek.
The Ocean Foundation will plantnative plants, perform litter and invasive plant removal to restore wetland habitat function, improve water quality, and increase ecosystem health and resilience along Paradise Creek in National City.
Pecten Reef Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Laguna Canyon Foundation will restore approximately 26 acres of wetland, riparian, transitional and upland habitat in the Pecten Reef area of Aliso Creek in the City of Aliso Viejo.
Pescadero Marsh Restoration and Resiliancy Project
The Resource Conservation District of San Mateo County will undertake preliminary planning for the Pescadero Marsh Restoration and Resiliency Project in San Mateo County
Ramona Garden Multi-Benefit Park
Community Conservation Solutions will plan and design a multi-benefit green infrastructure park at the Ramona Gardens Housing Development in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Rancho Cañada Carmel River Protection
This grant will fund Trust for Public Land’s acquisition of approximately 170 acres of the Rancho Canada Golf Club along the Carmel River.
Red Bank Habitat Enhancement: Design
The Salmon River Restoration Council will prepare designs, environmental review pursuant to NEPA/CEQA, and permit applications for the restoration of Red Bank, a section of the North Fork of the Salmon River in Siskiyou County.
Red Cap Creek In-Stream Restoration Design Project
Mid Klamath Watershed Council will prepare a series of instream restoration designs for two locations on Red Cap Creek, tributary to the Klamath River, Humboldt County.
Restoring Coho Habitat in San Geronimo Creek
Marin County Resource Conservation District will restore coho salmon habitat in San Geronimo Creek in Marin County.
Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project: Upper Project
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to redesign and prepare for implementation in 2018 and 2019 the final portions of the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project.
San Diego Bay Native Oyster Restoration & Living Shoreline
Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association will complete studies, designs and engineering for a native oyster restoration project adjacent to San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
San Dieguito River Valley Fairbanks Ranch Riparian Restoration
San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy will restore 94.9 acres of riparian habitat along a 2.5-mile stretch of the San Dieguito River between Fairbanks Ranch and Rancho Santa Fe in the San Dieguito River Valley.
TreePeople will plan and prepare designs, environmental analyses, and permit applications for an urban green infrastructure project in the City of San Fernando.
TreePeople to prepare final designs and permits for, and to construct, a green infrastructure project in the City of San Fernando, County of Los Angeles, CA.
San Fernando Valley Distributed Stormwater Capture
The City of Los Angeles will design, implement and monitor installation of green infrastructure, including permeable paving, bioswales, trees, and infiltration galleries, within the public right-of-ways along five city streets as part of San Fernando Valley Stormwater Capture Project.
San Geronimo Valley Golf Course Restoration Planning
County of Marin will prepare a conceptual restoration and reuse plan for the 157-acre San Geronimo Valley Golf Course in Marin County
San Gregorio Creek Stream Flow Improvement Project: Klingman/Moty Farm
Trout Unlimited will implement an off-stream water storage project on San Gregario Creek in San Mateo County.
San Jose Creek Steelhead Fish Passage
The Cachuma Resource Conservation District will conduct biological surveys and prepare permit applications and environmental review for removal of three fish passage barriers in San Jose Creek in Santa Barbara County.
San Luis Rey River Habitat Protection Project
The Trust for Public Land will acquire 35.5 acres of open space adjacent to the San Luis Rey River for purpose of protecting, restoring, and enhancing habitat.
Santa Clara River Sespe Cienega Restoration and Access Plan
The Santa Clara River Conservancy will develop a plan to restore riparian habitatsand natural river function and to provide public access to the Santa Clara River near the City of Fillmore.
Santa Margarita River Fish Passage Design
Trout Unlimited will design two fish passage and habitat improvement projects on the Santa Margarita River in coastal San Diego County.
Scott River Instream Habitat Restoration Project
California Trout will habitat restoration project in a Klamath River tributary important to spawning and rearing Pacific salmon. The proposed project will increase instream habitat complexity and cover, and provide velocity breaks and rearing habitat for juvenile coho salmon.
Sharber-Peckham Fish Passage Project
Northwest California Resource Conservation and Development Council (“Council”) to implement a fish passage barrier removal and water quality improvement project on Sharber-Peckham Creek in Trinity County.
Six Rivers Aquatic Restoration Project
The Mid Klamath Watershed Council will prepare a programmatic NEPA document and Aquatic Restoration Program for fisheries restoration in the Six Rivers National Forest in portions of Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, and Siskiyou Counties.
Smith River Estuary Restoration
The Smith River Alliance will identify restoration opportunities and design at least two salmonid habitat restoration projects for the Smith River Estuary in Del Norte.
Sonoma County Climate Smart Restoration
Point Blue will complete a multi-benefit urban greening project to work with students to restore degraded riparian habitat at fours sites in Sonoma County, adjacent to disadvantaged communities in Petaluma, Santa Rosa, and Rohnert Park.
Sonoma County Lawns to Habitat Project
The Conservation Corps North Bay will build demonstration projects that will convert irrigated lawn in disadvantaged communities to habitat gardens to reduce water usage and improve habitat for endangered salmonids in Sonoma County.
Sonoma Creek Watershed Stream Restoration
Sonoma Ecology Center will restore riparian habitat and implement anadromous fish habitat improvements along Sonoma Creek on the Sonoma Developmenta Center Property.
South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project
This award will fund Ducks Unlimited to implement two Phase 2 projects of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project and other associated work on the project.
South Jacoby Creek Restoration
The City of Arcata will restore 29 acres of marsh and riparian wetlands associated with Jacoby Creek adjacent to Humboldt Bay. The project restored floodplain and stream connectivity for anadromous and freshwater aquatic species, and enhanced habitat for other wildlife.
Taylor Yard River Park on the Los Angeles River, Implementation Plan
The City of Los Angeles will develop the implementation plan for the Taylor Yard River Park on the Los Angeles River.
Ten Mile River Watershed Acquisition
The Nature Conservancy will acquire a conservation easement over approximately 23,000 acres of the Lyme Redwood Forest Company property within the Ten Mile River watershed in Mendocino County.
Tenmile Creek Conservation and Restoration Pilot Planning Project
Eel River Recovery Project will develop fish habitat enhancement plans for Tenmile Creek and water conservation strategies for Streeter and Big Rock Creeks in the Tenmile Creek watershed, a tributary to the South Fork Eel River.
The Productive Lands and Streams Program: Gualala
The Gualala River Watershed Council will develop a natural resource enhancement program for properties in the Gualala River Watershed.
Three Creeks Parkway Restoration Project
American Rivers will restore 12.5 acres of riparian habitat and improve portions of the Marsh Creek Regional Trail along the Marsh Creek flood control channel in Brentwood.
Trust for Public Land will acquire the 283 acre Toro Creek Ranch located between Morro Bay and Cayucos.
Ocean Discovery Institute will plan for water quality, habitat and climate change resilience improvements on the Triangle Property at the head of Manzanita Canyon in San Diego County.
Upper Devereux Slough Restoration
Regents of the University of California will restore wetlands and connected uplands at Upper Devereux Slough in Santa Barbara.
Urban Forestry & Habitat Restoration at Debs Park
North East Trees will prepare final designs and implement an urban forestry and habitat restoration project at Ernest E. Debs Regional Park in Los Angeles County
Wildcat Creek Restoration and Greenway Trail
City of San Pablo will restore approximately half a mile of Wildcat Creek, and construct a parallel Class I bicycle and pedestrian greenway trail along the creek.
Yellowjacket Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
Trout Unlimited will restore 1.9 miles of salmon habitat in the Redwood Creek Watershed through modification of an existing concrete weir, construction of a series of boulder step-pools, and installation of a fish screen.
Yosemite Slough Restoration & Development, Phase 2
California State Parks Foundation will use Conservancy funding to implement urban greening elements of the Yosemite Slough Restoration and Development Project along the north side of Yosemite Slough within the Candlestick Point State Recreation Area in the City of San Francisco.
Grant News
- Request for Partnership Proposals/Letters of Interest for the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program FY 2025NOTE: This is a call-for preproposals for projects who would like to partner with the California State Coastal Conservancy to apply for US Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant (NCWCG) Program funding. This is NOT the official NCWCG call for applications. Projects hoping to receive NCWCG funding are NOT required to apply […] (Read more on Request for Partnership...)
- Press Release: State Coastal Conservancy Announces Awards for Coastal Resilience, Public Access, Restoration, and StorytellingSan Luis Obispo – This week, the California State Coastal Conservancy announced more than $39 million in funding for projects to improve public access, climate resilience, habitat values, and inclusion at the coast. “The Coastal Conservancy’s vision is of a beautiful, restored, and accessible coast for current and future Californians. To achieve this, we […] (Read more on Press Release: State...)
- Grant Funding Webinar, September 28, 2023The State of California has made an unprecedented investment in the resilience and accessibility of the coast. As a result, the Coastal Conservancy has significant funding available to non-profit organizations, public agencies, and federally-recognized tribes for projects that benefit public access, natural resources, working lands, and climate resiliency at the coast, coastal watersheds, and the San Francisco Bay. We […] (Read more on Grant Funding Webinar,...)