Request for Services for the Terminal Four Wharf, Warehouse, and Piling Removal Project

The State Coastal Conservancy is seeking the services of a consultant firm or team to provide engineering and environmental and related services for the Terminal Four Wharf, Warehouse, and Piling Removal Project located at Point San Pablo (City of Richmond Terminal Four, San Pablo Bay, within San Francisco Bay).  The services will generally involve the further development of a plan and designs and preparation of environmental and permitting documentation for the removal of an existing, dilapidated wharf and warehouse and associated creosote and concrete pilings.


Please download the full RFS here- SCC_RequestforServices_Terminal Four


Interested firms should submit a response to this RFS, by 5:00 p.m. on Monday October 2, 2017.

Submittals should be emailed to Marilyn Latta at, AND mailed hard copy to:

State Coastal Conservancy

Attn: Marilyn Latta, Project Manager

1515 Clay St, 10th Floor

Oakland CA 94612