Join us at our Global Climate Action Summit Affiliate Event, Innovation and Climate Adaptation in San Francisco Bay

Bringing Together Research, Large-Scale Investment, Community Resilience Policy, and Public Education

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 ¬ 6:00–8:30 p.m.

Free, RSVP required. Email,
or call 415.528.4444, and choose option 5.

An interdisciplinary panel of Bay Area experts will share approaches to climate change adaptation and engagement that are helping to create
a better future for the Bay and its communities. Topics will include:

  • Large-scale investment in carbon sequestration and natural infrastructure—the infrastructure aspects of natural systems
  • Science-based shoreline planning
  • Enabling civic agency through place-based environmental education rooted in inquiry
  • Innovations in funding, governance, and leadership

Sam Schuchat, California State Coastal Conservancy; Julie Beagle,
Resilient Landscapes Program, San Francisco Estuary Institute; Laura Tam, sustainable development policy director, SPUR; Susan Schwartzenberg, Exploratorium environmental initiative; Shawn Lani, Studio for Public Spaces, Exploratorium
This is an affiliate event of the Global Climate Action Summit 2018,
hosted by the Exploratorium, the California State Coastal Conservancy,
San Francisco Estuary Institute, and SPUR. Light refreshments will be served.

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