CEQA Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Save the Redwoods League’s Redwood National and State Park Visitor Center and Restoration Project
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15072 and Public Resources Code Section 21092, the State Coastal Conservancy is providing notice of intent to adopt a mitigated negative declaration (MND) of environmental impact for the “Redwood National and State Parks Visitor Center and Restoration Project” as described here. The public is invited to comment on the proposed MND pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. The review period is 30 days and commences on December 19, 2019, and ends on January 20, 2020. Written comments must be submitted to the State Coastal Conservancy no later than 5:00 pm on January 20, 2020. The Initial Study and proposed MND document is available for review during regular business hours at GHD located at 718 Third Street in Eureka, California, at the Humboldt County Library located at 1313 Third Street in Eureka, California and at the State Coastal Conservancy located at 1515 Clay Street in Oakland, California. Per CEQA Guidelines Section 15072(g)(5), no known hazardous waste facilities or disposal sites exist within the Project Area.
The Project generally consists of six components, four of which are to support future recreation opportunities and two of which are to improve ecological functions within the Prairie Creek watershed. The four recreation-oriented Project components include a: Visitor Center, Yurok Demonstration Site, Canopy Walkway and a portion of the California Coastal Trail. The two ecological enhancement components of the Project include the Prairie Creek Restoration and Libby Creek Enhancement. Additional sub-components of the Project will take place, including culvert replacements, stormwater drainage improvements, hillside re-contouring in one discreet area (Eastside Restoration Area) and the removal of existing debris from a roadway within the Project Area. The Project comprises 89 acres and is located 1.25 miles northeast of Orick, within the footprint of the former Orick Mill Site, and includes the land west, north, and slightly east of the former Mill Site. Specifically the Project Area includes approximately one mile of lower Prairie Creek, the surrounding floodplain and meadows, roadways known as the “Upper Road” and “Lower Road,” and encroaches upon land owned by the National Park Service to the east.
For further information, or to request a copy of the Initial Study and proposed MND, please contact Su Corbaley, State Coastal Conservancy at (510) 286-6767, or email at VCRPComments@scc.ca.gov.
The State Coastal Conservancy plans to consider adoption of the MND at a regularly scheduled meeting likely on or around June 15, 2020.