Proposition 84 Land Acquisition Notices
Dutch Bill Creek Parkway Acquisition
Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the Sonoma County Regional Parks to acquire approximately 515 acres in the Dutch Bill Creek watershed, a tributary to the Russian River, to protect open space, habitat, natural floodplain and water quality and to provide an opportunity to develop a future regional parkway with recreational trails.
Conservancy Board meeting: June 18, 2020
Satisfaction of PRC Section 75071 criteria:
The proposed acquisition satisfies three of the criteria of Section 75071 of the Public Resource Code as follows: 1) the project will link to existing protected areas with other large blocks of protected habitat and serve to facilitate wildlife movement, botanical transfer, and result in sustainable, combined acreage; 2) the project will contribute to long-term protection of, and improvement to the water and biological quality of streams within a “priority watershed” (the Russian River) as identified by the Resources Agency; and 3) the project is supported by non-state matching funds.