Rana Creek Ranch Acquisition

The State Coastal Conservancy will consider at its June 1, 2023 meeting an award of grant funding of up to $2,000,000 to the Wildlands Conservancy to acquire 11,692 acres of the Rana Creek Ranch. The purpose of the acquisition is to protect water quality, natural resources, wildlife habitat, scenic open space, and compatible agriculture including cattle grazing, and for public and tribal access compatible with such uses.

Section 5096.501 of Chapter 1.695 of the California Public Resources Code defines a “major acquisition” as one for which one or more state agencies will together spend more than $15 million to acquire land for specified purposes. The law requires a state agency contributing to a major acquisition to post on a public-facing Website certain documents related to the transaction, including an independent appraisal review, a  “project justification”, and other environmental documents as appropriate no later than 30 days before consideration and action to award funding. The following information is intended to comply with these requirements.

June 2023 Staff Recommendation

Rana Creek Ranch Appraisal Review