Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Oakland- November 21

Meeting Notice

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair

Joy Sterling (Public Member)

Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)

Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)

Caryl Hart, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)

Joe Stephenshaw, Director, Department of Finance; Michele Perrault (Designated)


Senate Representatives

Benjamin Allen (District 26)

Josh Becker (District 13)

John Laird (District 17)


Assembly Representatives

Gregg Hart (District 37)

Christopher Ward (District 78)

Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer

Ryan Berghoff, Senior Staff Counsel



Item 18 Point Molate Acquisition will be moved up in the agenda to follow after Item 4 Executive Officer Report.

Hybrid Meeting

DATE:   November 21, 2024

TIME:    10:00 A.M

LOCATION:   Elihu M Harris State Building Room 2 – 2nd Floor

1515 Clay St., Room 2, Oakland CA 94612


*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.


This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.

Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:


Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.


Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.


More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s September 5, 2024 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,000,000 to the County of Monterey to augment the Conservancy grant, previously authorized on February 3, 2022 and augmented on June 1, 2023, to construct the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement Project in Monterey County

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Seacliff State Beach Living Shoreline Planning Project, consisting of conducting technical studies and community engagement; and preparing designs, environmental review documents, and permit applications to restore approximately 4.5 acres of dune habitat as a nature-based solution to sea level rise at Seacliff State Beach in Santa Cruz County.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County for the Integrated Watershed Restoration Program to conduct planning and to prepare designs and permit applications for at least four high-priority watershed restoration projects in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,000,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to augment the Conservancy funding previously authorized on April 18, 2024, to undertake the Carr Lake Restoration and Park Construction Project Phase 2, consisting of restoration of 66 acres of wetland and upland habitat and construction of public access improvements at Carr Lake in Monterey County.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $300,000 of funds granted to the Conservancy by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to implement its Coastal Zone Management Program.

F. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $120,000 to the Pacifica Land Trust to undertake the Pacifica Coastal Resilience Opportunity Study, consisting of preparing studies, surveys and other reports, and conducting community engagement to identify opportunities for nature-based sea level rise resiliency projects in the City of Pacifica, and potentially conducting additional planning tasks to move one to two of the priority projects towards implementation.

G. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $136,500 to the Pacifica Land Trust to augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $103,270 for community-based habitat restoration and trail enhancement at Pedro Point Headlands in San Mateo County.

H. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,766,000 to the City of Santa Cruz to augment the Conservancy funding previously authorized on February 15, 2024, to expand the scope of the Santa Cruz Wharf Resilience Improvement project to include construction of additional resiliency improvements along the eastern edge of the Wharf.

I. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $385,000 to augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $3,383,733.49 (after previous augmentations) to the City of Berkeley for design, permitting and construction of Berkeley Waterfront improvements in Alameda County. The project augmentation includes development of further designs and plans, and preparation of environmental review documentation and permit applications for a new San Francisco Bay Trail section and two trail staging areas that will be resilient to sea level rise over the next fifty years.

J. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,200,000 to augment the Conservancy grant of $5,000,000 previously authorized to the City of Anaheim to prepare plans, designs, permit applications, environmental review documentation, and conduct community outreach, for the “OC River Walk,” a project to improve and enhance a portion of the Santa Ana River Trail and Parkway in the County of Orange, including reconfiguration and vegetating the riverbank and creating new trail connections.

K. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $439,000 to The Wildlands Conservancy to undertake the Great Redwood Trail Eel River Canyon Preserve Planning Project, Phase 1, consisting of preparing resource studies and surveys, conducting community engagement, coordinating with California Native American tribes, and conducting vegetation management for an 11.2-mile segment of the Great Redwood Trail in unincorporated Trinity and Humboldt Counties.

L. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $215,050 to Mendocino Land Trust to conduct necessary surveys and studies, prepare initial designs, and complete permit applications for one-half mile of new California Coastal Trail near Albion, one mile of new California Coastal Trail connecting Schooner Gulch to Saunders Landing, and improved access to Hearn Gulch Beach in Mendocino County.

M. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District to augment the Conservancy grant previously authorized on September 22, 2022, to implement the Garland Ranch Wildfire Resilience Project, consisting of thinning 12 acres of eucalyptus trees, creating a 6.2 acre shaded fuel break, maintaining previously treated areas, collecting data, and conducting community engagement at Garland Ranch in Monterey County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

N. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $179,260 to Sea Otter Savvy, University of California at Santa Cruz, and U.S. Geological Survey to implement three separate projects to aid in the recovery of the southern sea otter.

O. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $250,000 to Civicorps to purchase equipment to support Civicorps’ East Bay Wildfire Risk Reduction project, consisting of providing workforce development and removing vegetation from high fire hazard areas in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.

P. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,412,307 as an augmentation of the Conservancy grant authorized on February 15, 2024 of $1,500,000 to the Smith River Alliance to conduct the Point Saint George Coastal Trail Implementation Project (“the Project”), consisting of implementation of cultural resource protections and construction of 1.25 miles of the California Coastal Trail, new restrooms, interpretive signage, and improvements to the main trailhead parking area at Point Saint George in Del Norte County. The augmented funds will be granted to the California Department of Parks and Recreation to implement the cultural resource protections component of the Project.

Q. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $350,000 to Orange County Coastkeeper for the Beach and Coast Accessibility Program to provide grants to nonprofits, agencies, and tribes for beach wheelchairs and other equipment to increase accessibility to California’s beaches and coast in coastal counties statewide.

R. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $98,016 to the Concerned Resource Environmental Workers (C.R.E.W.) to implement the Once Upon a Watershed at the West Campus Preserve Project, which will restore 4.98 acres of wetland habitat situated along a tributary of the Ventura River in Ojai, Ventura County as part of the 2024 Community Wetland Restoration Grant Program.

S. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $153,005.50 to the Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association to undertake an additional five years of monitoring for the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Monitoring Program, a program of physical and biological monitoring at Los Peñasquitos Lagoon in San Diego County.

T. Consideration and possible authorization for the City of Point Arena to expand the scope of the Arena Cove Harbor Access and Reliance Plan project, which includes plans, designs, and environmental review for a variety of improvements to protect and enhance existing and future use of the Point Arena Pier, Harbor, and Cove for commercial and recreational purposes, to include repair or replacement of a boat hoist at the Point Arena Pier.

U. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to the East Bay Regional Park District to implement the San Francisco Bay Trail: Gap Closure to Martinez Intermodal Station Project, consisting of constructing 0.5 mile of the San Francisco Bay Trail along the Carquinez Strait Scenic Loop, in Martinez, Contra Costa County; and the adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

V. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $447,785 to the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District to undertake the Tenmile Creek Vassar Ranch Habitat Enhancement and Sediment Control Project, which consists of restoration of 15-19 acres of grasslands, repair of 3,000-3,600 linear feet of gullies, and upgrade of 1.2-1.4 miles of roads, to enhance water quality and reduce sediment delivery to Tenmile Creek, a tributary to the South Fork Eel River, in Mendocino County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

W. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $245,000 to Marin County Parks to prepare designs, permit applications and environmental compliance documents for the Letter Property Shoreline Restoration Project, which consists of restoring 0.8 acres of intertidal habitat by removing a dilapidated residence and barn built over tidal wetlands, removing retaining walls, revegetating to stabilize the wetlands and uplands, and installing a trail and parking along the Bolinas Lagoon shoreline in Marin County.

X. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,639,000, including a $2,639,000 grant from the Wildlife Conservation Board, to the California Invasive Plant Council for the planning, management, treatment, monitoring, and restoration activities of the San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project from January 1, 2025-June 30, 2027.

Y. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $4,000,000 to a selected contractor or contractors to undertake the Novato Baylands Public Works Contract for Interim Site Management, consisting of site maintenance and adaptive management tasks at the Bel Marin Keys Unit V, North Antenna Field, and Hamilton Wetlands properties in Marin County.

Z. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $947,850 to the City of Santa Barbara to augment the Conservancy grant authorized on February 2, 2023 of $525,000 for the Wildfire Resilience Project, and authorization to expand the project to include reducing wildland vegetation fuels on an additional approximately 25 acres across six parks, restoring native species on an additional approximately 5 acres across three of the six parks, and conducting additional community engagement activities including volunteer events in the City of Santa Barbara.

AA. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,000,000 to the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains to augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $2,275,650 for planning for the Topanga Lagoon Restoration Project at Topanga State Park and Topanga Beach in Los Angeles County; authorization to expand the project scope to include additional analysis, preparation of ninety percent design plans, and permitting for visitor services improvements of the Project; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.



5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to the Regents of the University of California, Santa Barbara to conduct community engagement and prepare technical studies, actionable sea level rise adaptation pathway plans, and preliminary designs for the Campus Lagoon and Lagoon Road shoreline areas of campus in Santa Barbara County.


6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,060,000 to the City of Encinitas to undertake the Cardiff Beach Living Shoreline Project, Phase 4, consisting of restored dune performance monitoring and adaptive management, including sand placement and native plant management, and preparation of a long-term plan for sea level rise adaptation at Cardiff State Beach in San Diego County.

7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $10,260,000 to Santa Monica Bay Foundation, known as The Bay Foundation, to undertake the Santa Monica Coastal Habitat Restoration Program, consisting of implementing a suite of nature-based restoration projects to increase the resilience of Santa Monica Bay in Los Angeles County to climate change impacts.

8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $9,200,000 to the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District to implement the Santa Ana River Trail Green River Golf Club Segment Phase 1 Construction project, consisting of the construction of 1.71 miles of the Santa Ana River Trail in Riverside County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $600,000 to the Buena Vista Audubon Society to undertake the Buena Vista Lagoon Wetlands Reserve Coastal Habitat Restoration & Resiliency Project, which consists of conducting community engagement and preparing designs and permit applications needed for the restoration of 5.94 acres of wetland habitat at the Buena Vista Lagoon Reserve in San Diego County.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to California Wildlife Foundation, fiscal sponsor for Climate Science Alliance, to undertake the Advancing Coastal Co-stewardship Project, which consists of providing relationship building, meaningful engagement training, workforce development, opportunities for collaboration, and other activities to integrate traditional ecological knowledge, tribal leadership, and tribal co-stewardship into the planning and implementation of coastal habitat restoration projects, including through subgrants, along the southern coast of California.

11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to Surfrider Foundation to undertake the San Onofre Shoreline Resiliency Project, a sea level rise adaptation project consisting of conducting technical studies, alternatives design and analysis, and community engagement, and preparing preliminary designs for a nature-based solution to protect public access along the San Onofre Surf Beach shoreline in San Diego County.


12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,500,000 to California Trout, Inc. to undertake the Cannibal Island Marsh Restoration Project, consisting of restoring full tidal exchange to 500 acres of former tidal marsh habitat through the removal of degraded water control structures, re-excavation of historic slough channels, and enhancement of natural marsh topography at the Cannibal Island Unit of the Eel River Wildlife Area, Humboldt County.

13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $950,000 to the Sonoma County Regional Parks Department to obtain final permits and construct two separate segments of the California Coastal Trail totaling 2 miles and related public access amenities, including parking, a restroom, fencing, and signage at the Kashia Coastal Reserve and Stewarts Point Ranch in Sonoma County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $750,000 to the Trinidad Coastal Land Trust for the Moonstone Beach Coastal Resilience and Public Access Planning Project, which consists of conducting studies and community engagement, identifying and evaluating alternatives, and preparing designs and draft environmental review documents for public access improvements that will alleviate crowding and improve accessibility and climate resilience at Moonstone Beach in Humboldt County.

15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,505,000 to the Mendocino Land Trust to undertake the Bell Point Land Return Acquisition and Coastal Trail Planning Project, which consists of acquiring the 157-acre Bell Point coastal blufftop property in Westport, Mendocino County for the purposes of natural resources and habitat protection and enhancement; open space and California Native American tribal cultural resources protection; and public access and trail recreation compatible with such uses; and to prepare plans, permit applications, initial designs, and environmental review documents for the establishment of 0.8 miles of California Coastal Trail on the property.


16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,403,200 to the Town of Tiburon to undertake the Greenwood Beach Restoration Project, consisting of preparing final designs, constructing, monitoring and adaptively managing a restored natural beach system at Greenwood Beach in Marin County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,000,000 to The Trust for Public Land to acquire 430 acres of Newark Baylands (Area 4) for the protection and restoration of habitat, public access, the potential creation of an interpretive visitor center, and to the extent compatible with those purposes: education, research, and Native American tribal cultural uses.

18. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $35,985,000 to East Bay Regional Park District to acquire approximately 52 acres at Point Molate in the City of Richmond, County of Contra Costa, to create a regional shoreline park that will protect, and may restore and enhance, open space, natural, scenic, cultural, and historic resources; and that will provide compatible public and California Native American tribal access, including recreational and visitor-serving amenities.

19. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,000,000 to the Association of Bay Area Governments to undertake the Palo Alto Horizontal Levee Pilot Project, consisting of replacing an existing levee by constructing a 500 linear-foot berm, of which 315 linear-feet will be a horizontal levee, at the Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, Santa Clara County.

20. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $704,000 to the Land Trust of Napa County to acquire the approximately 523-acre Phinney property for the protection and enhancement of open space, wildlife corridors, and scenic and natural resources; and public access compatible with such uses. The property will be transferred to the Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District to expand the adjacent Moore Creek Park and for long-term management.

21. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,000,000 to San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department to implement the Upper Great Highway Climate Resilience Project, consisting of conducting technical studies and community engagement, and preparing conceptual alternatives to prepare Upper Great Highway, from Lincoln Way to Sloat Boulevard, for climate change impacts in the City and County of San Francisco.


22. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,626,000 to the United States Forest Service to treat approximately 24 miles of historic fuel breaks by removing vegetation along the Santa Lucia ridge line within the Los Padres National Forest to protect neighboring communities in Monterey County from catastrophic wildfire.

23. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,542,000 to the San Mateo Resource Conservation District to undertake the San Mateo County Critical Evacuation Corridors Wildfire Resilience Project, consisting of the removal of hazardous vegetation along two critical road evacuation corridors, Highway 92 and Sand Hill Road, in San Mateo County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

24. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,131,700 to North East Trees, Inc. to implement the Ascot Hills Resilience Project, which consists of enhancement of at least 33 acres of habitat through the removal of invasive plants and planting of native plants to increase wildfire resilience, within Ascot Hills Park in the City of Los Angeles


25. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,301,915 to nine non-profit organizations for Coastal Stories projects that will create storytelling installations, murals, and/or other interpretive materials that represent diverse communities’ perspectives that historically have been excluded from narratives of California’s coast and publicly accessible lands.


Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.





A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

D. To confer regarding Christian Legnitto v. Town of Fairfax, Marin County Superior Court, Case No. CV0003923. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(C).




Note:   Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Fortuna – September 5

Meeting Notice

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair

Joy Sterling (Public Member)

Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)

Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)

Caryl Hart, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)

Joe Stephenshaw, Director, Department of Finance; Michele Perrault (Designated)


Senate Representatives

Benjamin Allen (District 26)

Josh Becker (District 13)

John Laird (District 17)


Assembly Representatives

Gregg Hart (District 37)

Christopher Ward (District 78)

Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer

Amy Roach, General Counsel

Agenda was updated 8/30/24 3:41 PM. An addendum has been added to Item 17.


Hybrid Meeting

DATE: September 05, 2024

TIME: 10:00 A.M

LOCATION: River Lodge Conference Center

1800 Riverwalk Drive, Fortuna, CA 95540


*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.


This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.

Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:


Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.


Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.


More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s June 06, 2024, public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse $499,510 to Endangered Habitats Conservancy to prepare plans, 65% designs and permit application materials for the Russian River Floodplain Restoration Project, consisting of the habitat restoration of 358 acres of floodplain near the town of Windsor, Sonoma County.

B.  and possible authorization to amend the Conservancy’s previously authorized grant to the Northwest California Resource Conservation and Development Council to change the project from the McKinney Creek Fish Passage Project, which involved removal of a fish passage barrier on McKinney Creek near Hamburg, Siskiyou County, to the Little Grass Valley Creek Fish Passage Project, which will remove a fish passage barrier on Little Grass Valley Creek near Lewiston, Trinity County.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $79,120 to augment the Conservancy grant authorized on June 1, 2023, which provided funding to the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation to conduct pre-acquisition activities, coordinate with landowners and key stakeholders, acquire a conservation easement over 24 acres of agricultural land, and prepare conceptual designs for floodplain restoration and coastal access along Tembladero Slough, between Castroville and Salinas River State Beach in Monterey County.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,238,120 to Tamien Nation to undertake phase two of the Tamien Nation Cultural Fire Stewardship Program, continuing to build capacity and equip a native fire crew to steward tribal territory, and implement prescribed fire and fuel reduction work at Henry W. Coe State Park in Santa Clara County.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $8,000,000 to Ducks Unlimited, Inc. to construct the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Project Reaches 1-3 ecotone in Ponds A12 and A13 to restore tidal marsh and upland transition zone habitat adjacent to a flood risk management levee and public access trails in Alviso, Santa Clara County.

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $498,000 to the Noyo Center for Marine Science to construct an approximately 1,500 square feet multi-purpose work facility for large-scale marine mammal exhibition displays, community education, and storage, and for use as a future marine research and blue economy projects workspace, located in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County.

G. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 for operation of the Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team (“BRRIT”) for a second period of five years, of which one million ($1,000,000) replaces the previously anticipated but now rejected grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that was authorized for disbursement on June 6, 2024.

H. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,370,000, comprising $2,870,000 in funds received by the Conservancy from the Wildlife Conservation Board and $500,000 of Conservancy funds, to Save the Redwoods League to augment the Conservancy grant authorized on March 24, 2022 of $794,000, and expansion of the project scope, to construct public access improvements and visitor amenities for the ‘O Rew Redwoods Gateway and Restoration Project (formerly the Redwood National and State Park Visitor Center and Restoration Project), at the former Orick Mill A site in Humboldt County.

I. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $20,000 to the County of Humboldt to add Solano County to the existing project of developing critical data layers for wildfire resilience planning concerning north coast counties of California.

J. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $207,600 to Community Initiatives to undertake the Alderpoint Great Redwood Trail Planning Project, Phase 1, consisting of tribal and community engagement, resource studies and surveys, trash removal, vegetation management, and conceptual designs for tribal/local interpretive features along a 4.5-mile segment of the trail and potential trailhead area in unincorporated Humboldt County.


A. Annual Financial Report

B. Conservancy Meeting Schedule for 2025

C. Recognition of Deputy Executive Officer Mary Small upon her Retirement


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $8,500,000 to Save the Redwoods League to repay private loans used to acquire the 3,187-acre DeVilbiss Ranch to facilitate transfer of ownership of the 4,566-acre Lost Coast Redwoods property in northern Mendocino County to the United States Bureau of Land Management for the purposes of natural resource and water quality protection, restoration, and enhancement, open space preservation, California Native American tribal cultural resources protection, wildfire resilience and restoration forestry, and public access compatible with cultural and natural resource protection.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $750,000 to the Noyo Harbor District to undertake the Noyo Harbor Marina Redevelopment Planning Project which consists of conducting community engagement and a planning study; and preparing 60% designs, permit applications, and CEQA documents for the redevelopment of Noyo Harbor Marina in Mendocino County.

7. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $835,000 to the City of Crescent City to undertake the Lighthouse Cove Lower Cost Accommodations Project which consists of adding up to three lower cost units which will accommodate up to 20 people and renovating the existing restrooms at the City of Crescent City’s Lighthouse Cove RV Park in Del Norte County.


8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency to acquire approximately 1,218 acres of the 3,654-acre Richmond Ranch for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of open space, wildlife corridors, natural resources, viewsheds, and grazing lands; and for public access and California Native American tribal cultural uses, in Santa Clara County.

9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $700,000 to the East Bay Regional Park District to undertake the Keller Beach Access Improvements Project, consisting of constructing public access improvements and amenities at the Keller Beach portion of Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline, Contra Costa County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,213,270, including $555,000 of grant funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to implement the Lower College of Marin Corte Madera Creek Habitat Restoration Project, which consists of partial removal of a section of concrete channel; restoration of 1.44 acres of tidal wetland, transition zone, and upland habitats; and enhancement of public access, in and along lower Corte Madera Creek in the unincorporated area of Kentfield in Marin County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $865,000 to the County of Santa Cruz to prepare technical and feasibility studies, plans, designs, environmental review documents, community and tribal engagement, and permit applications for a new cabin campground and associated amenities at Greyhound Rock County Park in Santa Cruz County. [Lexi Caruthers]


12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,600,000 to the San Diego Unified Port District to undertake the San Diego Harbor Park Project, Phase 1A, consisting of the construction of Harbor Park, a 25-acre park with a beach, boat launch, and many other recreational amenities, to expand and replace Bayside Park on the Chula Vista Bayfront in San Diego County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

13. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $3,457,000 to the Maritime Museum Association of San Diego to replace two mooring dolphins and augment an existing Conservancy grant to prepare design and engineering, environmental compliance documents, and permit applications for the Maritime Museum of San Diego entry building in San Diego County.

14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $418,784 to 3 non-profit organizations for three community-based wetland and stream restoration projects on approximately 14 acres in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.


15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,075,000 to East Bay Regional Park District to conduct vegetation treatments to reduce fuels across an estimated 130 acres in Tilden Regional Park, Anthony Chabot Regional Park and Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline, develop an approximately 34-acre shaded fuel break along the southern border of Lake Chabot Regional Park, and purchase vegetation management equipment; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

16. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $4,000,000 to Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy to: (1) implement forest health and wildfire resiliency activities in Tomales Bay State Park, a priority project in the Marin Regional Forest Health Strategy; (2) implement wildfire resilience activities in Marin City; and (3) engage the FIRE Foundry workforce development program in either or both project components; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $994,197 to 13 nonprofit organizations and 1 Tribe for 14 projects that facilitate and enhance the public’s opportunities to explore the California coast. Participants are drawn from throughout the State and will visit coastal locations from Del Norte County south to San Diego County.

 Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.




Addendum: Public Comments

Addendum: Public Comments


A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).



On Wednesday, September 4, the Conservancy will tour the site listed below, as close as possible to the identified time, which might be affected by traffic. Members of the public are welcome to join the tour but must provide their own transportation. The tour will conclude at 4:30 PM.

2:30 PM – Meet at the ‘O Rew Redwoods Gateway and Restoration Project

545 Bald Hills Road, Orick, CA

Latitude: 41.305949 | Longitude: -124.042691


Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Implementation Meeting #42 – June 21, 2024, 10am – 12pm

June 21 , 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Please join us on Zoom at this link: 

Desired Outcomes of Meeting:

  • Attendees are informed of Water Trail-related activities, progress, and accomplishments
  • Attendees are informed about a new water access audio tour from guest speaker
  • Attendees are informed of upcoming signage update effort and provide feedback


Time Agenda Item
10:00 Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review, and Meeting Ground Rules
10:15 Updates and Announcements from Water Trail Staff, Project Management Team, and Advisory Committee Members
10:55 Guest Speaker – Drew Dickson
11:25 Water Trail Signage Update Effort – overview and interactive activity
11:50 Public Comments
12:00 Adjourn


Zoom Instructions:

Please register in advance for this meeting at the Zoom link above. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, including call-in information.


Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Project Management Team; times are approximate.

Questions regarding this meeting may be addressed to Shalini Kannan, Coastal Conservancy Project Manager, at (510) 286-4167, or

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Sacramento – June 6


Meeting Notice


Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair

Joy Sterling (Public Member)

Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)

Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)

Caryl Hart, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)

Joe Stephenshaw, Director, Department of Finance; Michele Perrault (Designated)


Senate Representatives

Benjamin Allen (District 26)

Josh Becker (District 13)

John Laird (District 17)


Assembly Representatives

Gregg Hart (District 37)

Christopher Ward (District 78)

Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer

Amy Roach, General Counsel


Agenda update 6/4/2024. Item 3E Exhibit 3, additional letters of support were added.

Hybrid Meeting

DATE: June 06, 2024

TIME: 10:00 A.M

LOCATION:   California Natural Resource Agency, Room 2-302 A-B

715 P Street., Sacramento CA 95814



*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.


This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.

Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:


Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.


Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



Vote on Remote Participation (as needed)

2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s April 18, 2024 public meeting.


A. Consideration and potential to disburse up to $160,000 to the Santa Cruz Hostel Society to augment the Conservancy funding previously authorized on September 22, 2022 to plan and implement renovations to the Santa Cruz Hostel in the City of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County.

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $278,300 to The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to undertake the San Luis Obispo Land Conservancy Wildfire Resilience Project, consisting of purchasing equipment for annual wildfire fuel reduction and road maintenance work within three preserves in San Luis Obispo County.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $100,000 to the Yurok Tribe to undertake the Prairie Creek at Elk Meadow Cabins Habitat Enhancement Project, consisting of removing invasive plants and installing large wood features in an approximately 3,000-foot reach of lower Prairie Creek in Humboldt County.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $130,000 to the County of Del Norte to augment the Conservancy’s previously authorized grant of $96,000 to assess the feasibility of expanding camping opportunities and to develop a park improvement plan for Clifford Kamph Memorial Park, the northern gateway to the California Coastal Trail, in Del Norte County; and authorization to expand the project scope to include preparation of designs, engineering, and environmental analysis of improvements identified in the park improvement plan.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the Town of Fairfax to acquire the approximately 100-acre Wall Property in Marin County for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural resources, wildlife habitat, open space, California Native American tribal cultural resources, and compatible public access.


A. Progress Report on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work at the Conservancy

B. Presentations on Sea Level Rise in California

C. Sea Level Rise Memorandum of Understanding for San Francisco Bay


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,400,000 of grant funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and up to $1,000,000 of grant funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for operation of the Bay Restoration Regulatory Integration Team for a second five-year period.  The funds may be disbursed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board.


6. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $1,643,344 to the City of Oceanside to undertake the Loma Alta Slough Wetland Enhancement Project, consisting of the enhancement of 5.8 acres of coastal wetlands in the City of Oceanside in San Diego County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $800,000 to the City of Marina to prepare plans, environmental review documents, and permit applications for improvements to a California Coastal Trail trailhead and coastal access point at Fort Ord Dunes State Park, Monterey County.


8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $650,000 to the Elk Valley Rancheria to prepare the South Beach Sea Level Rise and Connectivity Feasibility Study, which will develop and evaluate alternatives for how best to prevent future flooding of a vulnerable section of Highway 101 adjacent to Crescent City, while improving public access to South Beach and protecting the Crescent City Marsh in Del Norte County

9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $999,335, of which $792,575 are funds received from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to the Tomales Bay Watershed Council Foundation to implement the Chicken Ranch Beach Wetland Enhancement Project, consisting of restoring approximately one acre of tidal wetlands to enhance water quality and improve wildlife habitat at Chicken Ranch Beach on Tomales Bay, near Inverness, Marin County.

Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.





A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).




Note:   Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612


Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Oakland – April 18

Meeting Notice

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair
Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair
Joy Sterling (Public Member)
Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)
Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)
Caryl Hart, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)
Joe Stephenshaw, Director, Department of Finance; Michele Perrault (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Josh Becker (District 13)
John Laird (District 17)

Assembly Representatives
Gregg Hart (District 37)
Christopher Ward (District 78)
Tina McKinnor (District 61)

Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, General Counsel


Agenda updated 4/5/2024 8:50 AM, Item 15 has been postponed.
Hybrid Meeting
DATE: April 18, 2024
TIME: 10:00 A.M
LOCATION: Elihu M Harris State Building Auditorium – 1st Floor
1515 Clay St., Auditorium, Oakland CA 94612

*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.
Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:

Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.

Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.


2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s February 15, 2024 public meeting.


A. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $2,500,000 to Point Reyes Bird Observatory to augment the Conservancy grant of $2,150,000 to provide an additional two years of stewarding approximately 177 acres of restored wetlands through engaging the local community to maintain and enhance the wetlands and implementing minor property improvements by repairing and maintaining public access amenities in the Novato Baylands in Marin County.

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $425,000 to augment the Conservancy funding previously authorized on May 5, 2022 and September 14, 2023, for the purpose of contracting for services to prepare environmental review documents, a cultural and tribal resource survey, and a property appraisal for the Hollister Ranch Coastal Access Program, in Santa Barbara County.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $150,000 to TreePeople and the Inland Empire Waterkeeper for each of their Explore the River 2024 projects that facilitate and enhance the public’s opportunities to explore the Santa Ana River.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $24,000 to augment an existing grant to Friends of the Dunes to continue interim management of the 356-acre Samoa Dunes and Wetlands Complex on the North Spit of Humboldt Bay in Humboldt County.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $435,000 to the Friends of the Petaluma River to conduct preliminary planning, including community engagement, baseline assessments and feasibility studies, and draft conceptual design for a segment of the proposed urban greenway known as the Petaluma River Greenway in the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County.

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $311,900 to Point Reyes Bird Observatory to undertake the San Francisco Bay State of the Birds Dynamic Report Project, which consists of developing a website that provides updated analyses of bird species populations that serve as indicators of San Francisco Bay habitat quality.


A. Tribute to Julia Elkin, former Project Manager at the Coastal Conservancy

B. Strategic Plan Progress Report


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,000,000 to the East Bay Regional Park District to undertake the Tidewater Day Use Area Expansion Project, consisting of constructing public access amenities and park features on eight acres of former industrial land to expand the Tidewater Day Use Area of Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline in Oakland, Alameda County.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to support implementation of the South San Francisco Bay Shoreline Project in the community of Alviso, City of San José, Santa Clara County by: 1) disbursing up to $2,571,700 to San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory for revegetation and three years of maintenance on 17 acres of the Reaches 1-3 levee; and 2) disbursing up to $7,428,300 to Santa Clara Valley Water District for Reaches 4-5 levee construction.

7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse 1) up to $2,200,000 to Ducks Unlimited to restore tidal marsh and enhance managed ponds; 2) up to $410,000 to the California Wildlife Foundation to implement monitoring and project outreach; 3) up to $150,000 to the Aquatic Science Center to manage the lead scientist and website; and 4) up to $240,000 for executive project management as part of Phase 2 of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project in Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties.

8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,683,000 to the California Rangeland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over approximately 1,402-acres of Stonier Ranch for the protection of open space, wildlife corridors, viewsheds, natural resources, and grazing lands, in Santa Clara County.


9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,000,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to undertake the Carr Lake Restoration and Park Construction Project Phase 2, consisting of restoration of 66 acres of wetland and upland habitat and construction of public access improvements at Carr Lake in Monterey County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $650,000 to the County of Santa Cruz to undertake the Santa Cruz Coastal Lagoons & East Cliff Drive Resiliency Study consisting of a technical feasibility study of nature-based adaptation strategies to increase resilience to sea level rise for the three coastal lagoons (Schwan Lagoon, Corcoran Lagoon, and Moran Lagoon) along East Cliff Drive in central Santa Cruz County.

11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,620,000 to the City of Carpinteria to undertake the Carpinteria Living Shoreline Planning project, consisting of community engagement and preparation of plans, designs, technical analyses, and environmental review documents for a living shoreline solution along Carpinteria City Beach to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise and climate change-driven coastal hazards in Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County.

12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,200,000 to the County of Santa Barbara Flood Control District to develop the Santa Barbara County Sediment Management Program for southern Santa Barbara County, which consists of a program for redirecting ongoing sediment management to support beach-enhancement, living shoreline, and other sea level rise adaptation projects; including conducting community and tribal engagement and technical and feasibility studies to inform the Program; and preparing environmental review documents and permit applications for the Program, in southern Santa Barbara County.

13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $950,000 to Resilient Cities Catalyst to prepare the Goleta Slough Area Coastal Resilience Adaptation Plan, consisting of a plan for priority nature-based sea level rise adaptation projects for the Goleta Slough area to enhance ecological and community coastal resilience in Santa Barbara County, including conducting community engagement, capacity building, and technical studies to inform the Plan.


14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,811,600 to The Nature Conservancy to undertake the South Fork Ten Mile River Habitat Enhancement Project, consisting of restoration and enhancement of instream and floodplain salmonid habitat at four sites totaling four acres along the South Fork Ten Mile River in Mendocino County.


15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,970,000 to Sonoma County Regional Parks to initiate a Tribal Workforce Fellowship Program, which includes classroom and hands-on training of three cohorts of participants to conduct on-the-ground wildfire resilience activities on tribal and regional park lands in Sonoma County. [POSTPONED]

16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,000,000 to Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to undertake the North Coast Wildfire Resilience Planning and Implementation Grant Program, which will provide grants to public entities and nonprofit organizations for planning, community outreach, environmental review, permitting, and implementation of projects that will increase wildfire resilience through improved management of natural lands and open space, increased collaboration among land managers, and capacity building in northern California’s coastal and coastal watershed counties.

17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,089,749 to the County of Humboldt and the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District for two mapping projects that will develop critical data layers for north and central coast wildfire resilience planning.



Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.

A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

D. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).
Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:
1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Newport Beach – February 15

Meeting Notice

Updated 2/5/2024 1:49 PM, address correction.

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair
Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair
Joy Sterling (Public Member)
Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)
Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)
Caryl Hart, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)
Keely Bosler, Director, Department of Finance; Gayle Miller (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Josh Becker (District 13)
John Laird (District 17)

Assembly Representatives
Gregg Hart (District 37)
Christopher Ward (District 78)
Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, General Counsel


Agenda Updated 2/9/2024, Item 3F exhibit 3 has been posted and Item 8 exhibit 3 has been posted.

Agenda Updated 2/14/2024. Addendums to Items B, 7, 8, 9 and 12 have been added.

Hybrid Meeting
DATE: February 15, 2024
TIME: 9:30 A.M
LOCATION: Civic Community Room
100 Civic Center Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660

*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. Members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above.
Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:

Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.

Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.


2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s November 30, 2023 public meeting.

A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $646,100 to the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains to augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $1,629,550 for planning for the Topanga Lagoon Restoration Project at Topanga State Park and Topanga Beach in Los Angeles County.

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,300,000 to the Smith River Alliance, of which $500,000 is to conduct pre-acquisition planning activities and minor clean-up actions for beach, dune, wetland, upland, and forested parcels within and in the vicinity of the Pacific Shores Subdivision, adjacent to the Lake Earl Wildlife Area in Del Norte County, and $800,000 is to acquire those same parcels.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $120,000 to East Bay Regional Park District to prepare designs and environmental review documents for park improvements on an approximately three-acre upland area located between Powell Street and San Francisco Bay, east of Emeryville Fire Station No. 34, within McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, in the City of Emeryville, Alameda County.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,500,000 to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to acquire a conservation easement over the 27,512-acre Camatta Ranch in eastern San Luis Obispo County to protect water quality and water supply, natural resources, wildlife habitat, scenic open space, and agriculture including cattle grazing compatible with such uses.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $470,900 to Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District to construct upgrades to the potable water treatment facility and its water source for the Alliance Redwood Conference Grounds and the communities of Camp Meeker and Occidental and to reduce surface water diversions and increase dry season flows for salmonids in Dutch Bill Creek in Sonoma County, and the adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,807,000 to the City of Santa Ana to enhance and restore the 2.66-acre Santiago Park Main Street entrance by constructing site amenities such as lighting, Santiago Creek viewing decks, and landscape improvements, and separating the pedestrian walkway and bike trails to allow for safe recreation.

G. Consideration and possible authorization up to $473,500 to the City of Sand City to prepare trail alignment and restoration plans, designs, permit applications, and environmental documentation for a 0.7-mile segment of the Coastal Trail in Sand City, County of Monterey.

H. Consideration and possible authorization to (1) enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for cost sharing the incremental cost of placing dredged sediment from the Petaluma River at Cullinan Ranch; and (2) disburse up to $313,000 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the non-federal share of the incremental cost of placing dredged sediment from the Petaluma River at Cullinan Ranch within the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Solano and Napa Counties.

I. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,660,000 to the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy to prepare designs, environmental compliance documents, and permit applications for establishing 2.6 miles of new public access trails and related public access amenities, including 0.75 miles of the California Coastal Trail, and restoring 4 acres of upland habitat for the Mill Bend Preserve at the mouth of the Gualala River in Mendocino and Sonoma counties.

J. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Yurok Tribe to construct 0.68 miles of the California Coastal Trail and replace culverts on Libby Creek, a tributary to Prairie Creek, as part of the Redwood National and State Park Visitor Center and Restoration Project, at the former 125-acre Orick Mill A site in Humboldt County.

K. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $41,000 to the Mendocino Land Trust to operate and maintain public access improvements at Moat Creek Beach and along the Moat Creek segment of the California Coastal Trail in Mendocino County.

L. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $315,150 to the Wildlands Conservancy to prepare a public access plan, preliminary designs, and environmental review for lower cost overnight accommodations and a new section of the California Coastal Trail on the Seawood Cape Preserve in Humboldt County.

M. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to the Noyo Center for Marine Science for their Marine Ecosystem Resiliency Project, consisting of 1) conducting studies and preparing conceptual designs for sea level rise adaptation of their Marine Field Station building, dock, and associated infrastructure, 2) preparing 60% designs for retrofitting the Field Station building and replacing its dock, 3) preparing environmental review documents and permit applications for the dock replacement, and 4) implementing aquaculture programs to restore the nearshore kelp forest ecosystem at their Marine Field Station located at Noyo Harbor in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County.

N. Consideration and possible authorization to spend up to $2,963,050 of funds appropriated to the Conservancy for the Great Redwood Trail for engineering and environmental services, planning and design, public outreach, organizational development, advancement of the railbanking process, technical support, interim staffing support for the Great Redwood Trail Agency, and other costs and services as may be required for the advancement of the trail in Mendocino, Trinity, and Humboldt Counties.

O. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $4,600,000 to the County of Ventura to augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $358,000 for pre-construction activities associated with the Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project by adding additional tasks to support and inform environmental compliance and programmatic design planning, and to conduct community engagement in Ventura County.

P. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,200,000 to the County of Ventura to (1) augment a previously authorized Conservancy grant of $379,350 to conduct planning and to develop design criteria, preliminary design plans, and alternatives refinement for improvements to the Robles Diversion and Fish Passage Facility, and (2) conduct additional studies and modeling, develop 10% design plans for two alternatives, and provide funding directly to the Casitas Municipal Water District to work on this project, in Ventura County.

Q. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,377,389 to the Coastside Land Trust to construct priority components of Phase 2 of the Wavecrest Coastal Access Project, which are: at least 1 mile of Coastal Trail, a trailhead with a parking lot and restroom, and a beach stairway at the Wavecrest property in Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

R. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $600,000 to Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission for the North Coast Rail Trail – Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Segment 5 project, consisting of construction of 7.5 miles of dedicated bicycle and pedestrian trail and associated amenities between Wilder Ranch State Park and Davenport on the north coast of Santa Cruz County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

S. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $100,000 to Public Media Group of Southern California to develop multimedia content documenting the Coastal Stories Grant Program, produce and host a webpage, and conduct outreach to reach a broad audience.

A. Recognition of North Coast Regional Manager Karyn Gear upon her Retirement
B. Potential Changes to 2024 Conservancy Board Meeting Locations and Schedule

5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,800,000 to the County of San Bernardino to prepare final designs, acquire rights-of-way, and construct a 3.9-mile segment of the Santa Ana River Trail in San Bernardino County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $850,000 dollars to the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Foundation to develop feasible strategies, concepts, and preliminary engineering designs of nature-based solutions to build resiliency to sea level rise and coastal hazards for a 0.6-mile section of Torrey Pines State Beach, including the Torrey Pines South Beach Parking Lot, and the adjacent public parking along Highway 101 in San Diego County.

7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $30,000,000 to the Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association to implement the Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II, Phase I, consisting of restoring 85 acres of wetlands and associated habitats and enhancing public access at the Tijuana River estuary in San Diego County.

8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse: 1) an amount not to exceed $1,270,551 to augment a contract for preliminary design, including preparation of more detailed designs, engineering, and permitting for the Ormond Beach Restoration and Public Access Project (OBRAP), and 2) a grant of an amount not to exceed $35,000,000 to The Nature Conservancy to complete permitting and implement the first phase of the OBPRAP, which consists of restoration and public access improvements on approximately 280 acres at the eastern side of Ormond Beach and management of the wetlands.

  • Addendum: Exhibit 3: Ormond Beach Restoration and Public Access Plan was added to the Staff Recommendation on 2/8/2024 at 4:56 PM.
  • Addendum: Additional Project Letter added to Staff Recommendation on 2/14/2024 at 9:42 am

9. Consideration and possible authorization to approve a land swap involving the transfer of a five-acre parcel owned by Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority to Los Cerritos Wetlands, LLC in exchange for a 150-acre parcel for purposes of natural resource and wetland protection and restoration, open space, and public access that is compatible with those purposes, in the City of Long Beach, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $800,000 to the Mattole Restoration Council for the acquisition of the approximately 83-acre North Fork Mattole property on the North Fork of the Mattole River in Humboldt County, and preparation of baseline conditions and environmental assessment reports for the property. The property will be acquired for habitat conservation and restoration, California Native American tribal and public access and recreation, open space, and potentially a public-serving facility that will facilitate climate resilience, access to, and enjoyment of the natural resources of the property.

11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,368,606, a portion of which was granted to the Coastal Conservancy by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to the Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to implement the Wadulh Lagoon Restoration Project, consisting of restoring 62.1 acres of coastal wetland and riparian habitat by lowering and removing dikes and excavating channels in Wadulh Lagoon on the Mad River Slough on Humboldt Bay in Humboldt County.

12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,090,000 to the City of Eureka in Humboldt County to prepare the City of Eureka Coastal Access and Resilience Plan to protect and enhance existing and future use of the Eureka waterfront for ecological, recreational, and commercial purposes, and to prepare conceptual designs and environmental review for four sea level rise adaptation projects identified in the Plan.

13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Smith River Alliance Inc. to implement cultural resource protections and construct 1.25 miles of the California Coastal Trail, new restrooms, interpretive signage, and other improvements to the main trailhead parking area at Point Saint George in Del Norte County.

14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,230,000 to John Muir Land Trust to acquire the approximately 100-acre Kenneth Gerlack Preserve Property in Contra Costa County for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural and scenic resources and wildlife corridors; and, to the extent compatible with the aforementioned purposes: public access, including a segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and California Native American tribal cultural uses.

15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,500,000 to San Francisco Recreation and Park Department to implement the India Basin Waterfront Park Phase 3: Shoreline Park Redevelopment project, consisting of the redevelopment of the India Basin Shoreline Park into a mixed-use community park with improved public access and recreation amenities, enhanced habitat, and climate resiliency in the City and County of San Francisco, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,241,200 to Sonoma Land Trust to plan for ecological restoration of 337 acres of baylands and alluvial fan in the Tolay Creek Baylands in Sonoma County by conducting community engagement, preparing preliminary designs and environmental compliance documents, and developing a permitting strategy.

17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $600,000 to Sonoma County Regional Parks to acquire approximately 20 acres of non-active railway corridor to complete acquisition of ownership of lands needed to enable future construction of the Sonoma Schellville Trail, Sonoma County.

18. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,143,500 to the Solano Resource Conservation District to restore 19 acres of upland habitat and install a half-acre demonstration garden, 670-foot long trail, outdoor education area, two kiosks, and interpretive signs at Lake Solano Park in Solano County; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

19. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,000,000 dollars to Valley Water for the restoration of 40 acres of mudflat and shallow water habitat in Pond A4 to benefit shorebirds, enhance recreation, and facilitate future tidal wetland restoration along the shoreline of San Francisco Bay in Santa Clara County.

20. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,000,000 for consultant services including resource assessments, planning, public outreach, and other services as may be required related to planning for the conservation of the 12,000-acre Diablo Canyon Lands.

21. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $16,000,000, including $10,000,000 in grant funds from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, to the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District to implement the Rancho Cañada Floodplain Restoration Project, a multi-benefit floodplain restoration project along approximately 1-mile of the lower Carmel River in Monterey County.

22. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,893,700 to the City of Santa Cruz to construct improvements in the East Parking Lot and wave crash zone areas of the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf in the City of Santa Cruz and to further the planning for future improvements for increased resiliency to the effects of climate change and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

23. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $8,000,000 to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County to acquire the 247-acre Beach Ranch property at the Pajaro River Estuary in Santa Cruz County for nature-based sea level rise adaptation, natural resource protection and restoration, compatible agricultural use, California Native American tribal access, and public access.



Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.


A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).
B. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).
C. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).
D. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).



On Wednesday, February 14, the Conservancy will tour the site listed below, as close as possible to the identified time, which might be affected by traffic. Members of the public are welcome to join the tour but must provide their own transportation. The tour will conclude at 4:30pm.

3:00pm – Meet at Crystal Cove Cottages – 35 Crystal Cove, Newport Beach, CA 92657

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).
Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:
1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in San Luis Obispo – November 30


Meeting Notice


Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair

Joy Sterling (Public Member)

Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)

Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)

Donne Brownsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)

Keely Bosler, Director, Department of Finance; Gayle Miller (Designated)


Senate Representatives

Benjamin Allen (District 26)

Josh Becker (District 13)

John Laird (District 17)


Assembly Representatives

Gregg Hart (District 37)

Christopher Ward (District 78)

Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer

Amy Roach, General Counsel



Agenda updated 11/22/2023 at 8:29 AM, Item 3F exhibit 3 has been updated to include an additional support letter.

Hybrid Meeting

DATE: November 30, 2023

TIME: 10:00 A.M

LOCATION: SLO City Council Chambers

990 Palm Street

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.


*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.


This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.


Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:


Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.


Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.


More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s September 14, 2023 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $250,000 to CalWild for preparation of a community plan and conceptual project designs to ameliorate changes resulting from the potential decommissioning and removal of the Potter Valley Project hydroelectric facility in Lake and Mendocino counties.

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $485,000 to the City of Point Arena in Mendocino County to prepare the Arena Cove Harbor Access and Resilience Plan, which will include plans, designs, and environmental review for a variety of improvements to protect and enhance existing and future use of the Point Arena Pier, Harbor, and Cove for commercial and recreational purposes.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,575,409, including $969,818 awarded to the Conservancy by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through its National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program, to the Newport Bay Conservancy to restore 14.3 acres of coastal wetlands and associated uplands in Upper Newport Bay within the 60-acre Big Canyon Nature Park in the City of Newport Beach, Orange County.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $446,400 to the San Francisco Estuary Institute for the Mapping Yelamu’s Historical Landscape project, consisting of conducting an ecological and ethnographic study of San Francisco in partnership with the Association of Ramaytush Ohlone and development of cultural and ecological landscape maps that can be used for interpretive programs and capital project planning.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $270,300 to augment the Conservancy’s existing grant of $620,000 to Sustainable Conservation to advance adoption of, and conduct outreach to facilitate the use of, programmatic permits for aquatic habitat restoration and water quality improvement projects.

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $300,000 to the City of Encinitas for the Connected Coastlines Encinitas project, consisting of installing a 4G private mesh network to increase communications capabilities for fire and marine safety personnel across 3.5 miles of Encinitas coastline.

G. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $260,100 to the Family Resource Center of the Redwoods to construct a direct-to-consumer fish processing and sales facility, consisting of a filet station, restroom, and storefront, at the Crescent City Harbor in Del Norte County.

H. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,300,000 to augment the Conservancy’s existing grant of $2,300,000 to the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District for preparation of design, engineering, and other documentation needed for environmental review for a 1.5-mile Santa Ana River Trail segment that is adjacent to the Green River Golf Course and connects to the Orange County line in the County of Riverside.

I. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $325,000 to the City of San Diego to conduct a feasibility study for the repair of the beach access stairway and potential improvements to the scenic overlook and parking area located adjacent to 5990 West Camino De La Costa in the La Jolla neighborhood in the City of San Diego.

J. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $250,000 to Orange County Coastkeeper for the Beach and Coast Accessibility Program to provide grants to nonprofits, public entities, and tribes for beach wheelchairs and other equipment to increase accessibility to California’s beaches and coast in coastal counties statewide.

K. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $174,400 to Defenders of Wildlife and Sea Otter Savvy to implement two separate projects to aid in the recovery of the southern sea otter.


A. Legislative report

B. Annual Financial Report

C. Diablo Canyon Project

D. San Francisco Bay Sea Level Rise Coordination


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Cayucos Land Conservancy to acquire and transfer to San Luis Obispo County 748 acres of land for addition to Toro Creek County Park located between Morro Bay and Cayucos in San Luis Obispo County.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $813,500 to the San Mateo Resource Conservation District to conduct community outreach and prepare technical studies, preliminary design plans, and environmental review and permit documents for the relocation of public sewer infrastructure away from an eroding coastal bluff in the Montara community of San Mateo County.

7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,750,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to acquire the 84-acre Hiss Parcel in the City of Monterey for natural resource conservation, California Native American tribal cultural resource conservation, habitat connectivity, California Native American tribal access, and public access.


8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,000,000 to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy for habitat restoration and conservation consisting of restoration of 342 acres through the removal of 325 acres of invasive plant species and planting of 17 acres of native butterfly habitat, creation of a native seed bank, and reconstruction of a butterfly rearing facility, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,072,000 to the City of San Diego to conduct community and tribal engagement and prepare engineering and design plans for nature-based solutions to sea level rise at three locations in the city of San Diego, in connection with preparing the City’s Coastal Resilience Master Plan.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,268,100 to the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Foundation to conduct outreach and prepare engineering designs and permit applications to relocate parking facilities to preserve public access to North Torrey Pines State Beach in San Diego County.


11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $693,700 to the County of Humboldt to develop a coastal resilience planning framework, conduct community and tribal engagement, complete a sea level rise and flood vulnerability assessment and an adaptation feasibility analysis, and prepare conceptual designs and preliminary engineering plans for sea level rise adaptation projects for the communities of King Salmon and Fields Landing in Humboldt County.

12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,813,000 to the City of Willits to implement the Willits Rail with Trail Project, consisting of construction of a 1.6-mile trail between East Hill Road and East Commercial Street in the City of Willits, Mendocino County that will eventually become part of the Great Redwood Trail, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $725,000 to the Elk Valley Rancheria for the acquisition of the 9.19-acre Bush parcel on Crescent Beach, south of Crescent City, in Del Norte County, for preparation of a plan for that property for wildlife habitat enhancement and public access, and for removal of invasive species on the property.  The property will be acquired for protecting open space, protecting public and tribal access, protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat, and sea level rise adaptation measures, including measures to protect nearby roads and highways, consistent with open space and habitat protection.

14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,250,000 to the Mattole Salmon Group to reconnect Lower Bear Creek to the middle slough of the Mattole River Estuary, in part by elevating road infrastructure, to address critical habitat needs for endangered salmonids and improve resilience to climate change and sea level rise in Humboldt County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,504,990 of Coastal Conservancy and US Fish and Wildlife Service funds to the Marin County Open Space District to implement the Bolinas Lagoon Wye Resiliency Project, which will reduce localized flooding and increase resilience to sea level rise and which consists of restoring 20 acres of tidal and riparian wetlands and returning Lewis Gulch Creek to its historic floodplain by, in part, removing and elevating roads at the northern end of Bolinas Lagoon in Marin County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $7,800,000 to the Port of San Francisco for the Southern Embarcadero Resilience and Enhancement Project, consisting of developing plans and engineering designs to adapt shoreline infrastructure to sea level rise, improve public access amenities, and include green-gray infrastructure opportunities, for a 0.6-mile stretch of the southern Embarcadero waterfront in San Francisco.

17. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $2,512,500 for the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to acquire approximately 57 acres of historic tidal marshland within the lower tidal reach of the Napa River in Napa County for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural and scenic resources, including wetlands and open space; and, to the extent compatible with the aforementioned purposes: public access, passive recreation, and California Native American tribal cultural uses.


18. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,104,736 to eight non-profit organizations for Coastal Stories projects that will create storytelling installations, murals, or interpretive materials that represent diverse communities’ perspectives that historically have been excluded from narratives of California’s coast and publicly accessible lands.

Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.




A. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

D. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).



On Wednesday, November 29, the Conservancy will tour the sites listed below, as close as possible to the identified times, which might be affected by traffic. Members of the public are welcome to join the tour but must provide their own transportation. The tour will conclude at 4:30pm.

1:15-1:45 – Meet at Del Mar Park in Morro Bay. Update on Toro Creek County Park Project (related to Item 5 on this agenda) and Morro Bay to Cayucos Coastal Trail

1:45-2:00 drive to Chorro Creek (near this point)

2:00-2:15 – Overview of Chorro Creek Coastal Resilience project

2:15-2:45 pm travel to Pt. Buchon trail head (bathroom available)

3:00-4:30  Hike Point Buchon trail to see portion of North Ranch of Diablo Canyon Lands. In order to hike the trail, everyone must sign-in with PG&E. During the hike there will be presentations on Diablo Canyon Lands Vision and Conservancy involvement.

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at


(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612


Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Healdsburg – September 14

Meeting Notice


Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair
Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member), Vice Chair
Joy Sterling (Public Member)
Jeremiah Hallisey (Public Member)
Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)
Donne Brownsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)
Keely Bosler, Director, Department of Finance; Gayle Miller (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Josh Becker (District 13)
John Laird (District 17)

Assembly Representatives
Gregg Hart (District 37)
Christopher Ward (District 78)
Tina McKinnor (District 61)

Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, General Counsel


Agenda updated 9/8/2023 2:15 PM, Item 9 has been postponed. Agenda updated 9/11/2023 8:22 AM, Item 14 exhibit 3 has been posted and public comments have been added.

Agenda updated 9/01/2023 (after mailing hardcopy and posting online) as follows: Item 3L & Item 16 were revised to correct the recommended grant amounts.

Hybrid Meeting

DATE: September 14, 2023

TIME: 10:00 AM

LOCATION: Healdsburg City Council Chambers

401 Grove St

Healdsburg, CA 95448

*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.

Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:

Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.

Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s June 01, 2023 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to augment the Conservancy funding previously authorized on May 5, 2022, for the purpose of contracting for services to prepare environmental review documents, a cultural and tribal resource survey, and a property appraisal for the Hollister Ranch Coastal Access Program, in Santa Barbara County.

Addendum: Public Comment

B. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $200,000 to the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden to protect Chumash cultural resources and restore 2.25 acres of native habitat at Hammond’s Meadow County Open Space in southern Santa Barbara County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

C. Approve amendments to the State Coastal Conservancy’s conflict-of-interest code to reflect current agency job classifications and make other technical changes.

D. Consideration and possible authorization to enter into a Feasibility Cost Share Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Santa Clara Valley Water District for a federal feasibility study for the Santa Clara County shoreline from Mountain View Slough/Permanente Creek in the City of Mountain View to Guadalupe River in the City of San Jose.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $354,000 to augment the Conservancy grant of $2,087,500 previously authorized to the City of Riverside for (1) the acquisition of four acres at 5200 Tequesquite Avenue in the City of Riverside in Riverside County, and (2) the preparation of designs, engineering, and environmental documentation for nine projects along 4.7 miles of the Santa Ana River Parkway in the City of Riverside in Riverside County.

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $82,700 to Mendocino Land Trust to conduct environmental studies and prepare designs and permit applications for establishing 0.4 miles of new Coastal Trail across Saunders Landing, south of the City of Point Arena in Mendocino County.

G. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $180,000 to Kai Poma to conduct cultural and archeological resource studies and environmental surveys and to prepare a resource management plan for the Blues Beach property located in the community of Westport in Mendocino County.

H. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $500,000 to the City of Santa Cruz to assess the feasibility of using living shorelines, sand management techniques, and other nature-based solutions to address coastal hazards and advance climate adaptation planning along 3.2 miles of the Santa Cruz coastline, and to develop conceptual designs for one to three projects identified in the feasibility study.

I. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $168,256 to the Redwood Parks Conservancy to construct the Sue-Meg State Park Rim Trail Project, consisting of a 262-foot trail realignment and the replacement of a temporary bridge with a 33-foot footbridge to reestablish California Coastal Trail continuity and increase accessibility in Sue-Meg State Park in Humboldt County.

J. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to Sonoma County on behalf of its Public Infrastructure Department to prepare designs, an environmental review document, and permit applications for the Geyserville Community Plaza Project, which consists of enhancing the 1.17-acre Park and Ride property in Geyserville, in Sonoma County.

K. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $308,200 to three nonprofit organizations and the University of California, Santa Barbara for four community-based natural resource restoration and enhancement projects on approximately 24 acres in coastal wetlands and along stream corridors in the Southern and Central California region as part of the 2023 Community Wetland Restoration Grant Program; and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

L. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to augment the Conservancy grant previously authorized on May 27, 2021, up to a total of $460,000, to the California Department of Parks and Recreation to prepare plans, environmental review documents, and permit applications for two new restrooms in Garrapata State Park in Big Sur, Monterey County.

M. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,100,000 to TOGETHER Bay Area to support conservation planning in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area and Santa Cruz by updating the Conservation Lands Network planning tool, including expanded partner engagement and data updates to support regional biodiversity and habitat resilience.

N. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to acquire a 44.38-acre property that includes the Riverview trailhead and parking area to permanently protect and restore habitat and natural resources, preserve open space, and provide public access to the Ventura River Preserve, in unincorporated Ventura County.

O. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $469,100 to Sonoma Land Trust to reduce wildfire risk and improve forest health through thinning, pile burning, and removing vegetation to prepare for prescribed burns at three preserves in Sonoma County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


A. Consideration and possible approval of the 2024 Conservancy meeting schedule.


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,950,000 to The Wildlands Conservancy to acquire approximately 8,085 acres of the Lone Pine Ranch property at the confluence of the Eel River mainstem and Kekawaka Creek in Trinity County for the purposes of preserving and restoring fish and wildlife habitat, providing public access and recreation, and protecting open space and natural resources.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,552,800 to Redwood Community Action Agency to restore 350 acres of coastal dune habitat along 4.5 miles of shoreline to increase sea level rise resiliency on the north spit of Humboldt Bay in Humboldt County, and adoption findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,100,000 to the City and County of San Francisco, Recreation and Park Department, to construct the India Basin Waterfront Park Phase 2: 900 Innes Redevelopment project, consisting of the redevelopment of the 900 Innes property to be included in the India Basin Waterfront Park located in the City and County of San Francisco; and adoption of findings under CEQA.

8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,781,600 to Literacy for Environmental Justice to implement the Heron’s Head Park Climate Resilience Project consisting of enhancing 9 acres of wetland adjacent upland habitat, providing job training to 40-60 local young adults, and hosting 15-20 stewardship days annually at Heron’s Head Park in the City and County of San Francisco.

Addendum: Letter of Support 

Addendum: Letter of Support

9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,375,000 for the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to acquire 56.8 acres of historic tidal marshland within the lower tidal reach of the Napa River in Napa County for purposes of protection and restoration of natural resources, including wildlife corridors and habitat, and wetland and water resources; and providing open space, public access, and recreational use compatible with natural resource protection. [POSTPONED]

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $8,990,000 to the City of Berkeley to implement Berkeley Marina improvements consisting of 1) maintenance dredging of the Berkeley Marina harbor and entrances; and 2) replacement of two failing dock systems (Docks D and E) in the City of Berkeley, Alameda County.

11. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $4,351,500 to San Francisco State University to plan and design two, and implement one, sea level rise adaptation project, develop a workforce training program in nature-based climate resiliency, and develop a consortium of experts to advance nature-based adaptation projects in various Bay Area counties, including Marin, San Francisco, Solano, Alameda, San Mateo, and Santa Clara.

12. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $1,188,000 to Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority to prepare a draft master plan, and conduct community engagement to inform the draft master plan, for approximately 1,550 acres of conserved lands in Coyote Valley, Santa Clara County.

13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,428,460 to Ducks Unlimited to conduct outreach and planning and to prepare engineering designs and environmental compliance documentation for landscape-scale ecological restoration, flood protection, and public access on 6,000 acres in the Sonoma Creek Baylands in Sonoma County.

14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,233,315 to the City of Oakland to complete planning and design for the approximately 0.6-mile off-street multi-use trail known as the 66th Ave BART to Bay Trail Project in Oakland, Alameda County.


15. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $1,773,250 to the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) for tribal and community engagement and outreach, planning and design of coastal access improvements, removal of legacy oil infrastructure, and restoration of coastal habitats at the Ellwood Marine Terminal site on the UCSB campus in Santa Barbara County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,110,000 to the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District to prepare plans, permit applications, and environmental review documents for increased flooding resilience along lower Chorro Creek in the Morro Bay watershed in San Luis Obispo County.

17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,000,000 to the California Department of Parks and Recreation to restore 5 acres of habitat in and around the Villa Creek Estuary, San Luis Obispo County.

18. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,570,000 to the California Rangeland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over the 1,014-acre Wong Asuncion Ranch in unincorporated Atascadero for natural resource conservation, habitat connectivity, protection of the Toro Creek watershed, and, to the extent compatible with resource conservation, sustainable grazing.

19. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $889,225 to the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation to establish the Monterey Bay Living Shorelines Program, which consists of developing a project prioritization framework, preparing three priority conceptual level plans, completing three ongoing living shoreline projects, developing a tool to monitor and assess effectiveness of living shoreline projects, conducting robust community engagement, and coordinating with State Parks to produce effective pathways for State Parks to integrate living shorelines into its resource management approaches in the Monterey Bay region.


20. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,141,205 to the City of Imperial Beach to conduct outreach and planning and to prepare designs, environmental compliance documents, and permit applications needed to retrofit a 1.2-mile segment of the Bayshore Bikeway into a multi-benefit community flood protection and ecosystem resilience corridor as part of the Bayshore Bikeway Resiliency Project in Imperial Beach, San Diego County.

21. Consideration and possible authorization to 1) disburse up to $31,852,000 to the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority for the Southern Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration Project, which consists of planning and permitting for restoration and for providing public access to 103.5 acres of wetlands in Seal Beach, construction of an initial phase of the restoration and public access improvements on a portion of the Project site, and management of the wetlands, and 2) adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

Addendum: Support Letters 


22. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $968,900 to nonprofit organizations and public agencies for 16 projects that facilitate and enhance the public’s opportunities to explore the California coast. Participants are drawn from throughout the State and will visit coastal locations from Del Norte County south to San Diego County.


23. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $1,057,650 to the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County and the San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council for two additional wildfire resilience projects under the Conservancy’s Wildfire Resilience Program 2023-2024.



Addendum: Public Comment 

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment

Addendum: Public Comment 


A. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

D. To confer regarding Defend Ballona Wetlands, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 20STCV29911. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

E. To confer regarding Lebolt v. City and County of San Francisco, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. CGC-19-581761. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

F. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.



On Wednesday, September 13, the Conservancy will tour the sites listed below, as close as possible to the identified times, which might be affected by traffic. Members of the public are welcome to join the tour but must provide their own transportation. The tour will conclude at 3:45pm.

10:15 AM: Meet at Coleman Valley Rd parking area to commence the tour of Carrington Ranch. We will be joined by the Sonoma County Parks staff for a tour of the coastal trail and the campground area that is currently being planned. The parking area is located at [].

11:30 AM: Drive 5 minutes to Gleason Beach, where we will have the opportunity to tour the site with the Sonoma County Parks staff. This site showcases a managed retreat area where Highway 1 was relocated significantly inland, and public access to the beach has been maintained. We will meet at the pullout on the south end of the construction area south of Scotty Creek. You can find the location here: [].

12:45 PM: Lunch at Gleason Beach.  Members of the public should bring their own lunch.

2:15 PM: Our next destination is Monte Rio, CA, where we will meet with the Sonoma County Parks staff to tour the shaded fuel break project and the Dutch Bill Greenway Acquisition. You can find the location here: [].

3:45 PM: Conclusion of tour.

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at

(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Sacramento – June 01

Meeting Notice


Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair

Joy Sterling (Public Member)

Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member)

Joseph Alioto Jr. (Public Member)

Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash and Jenn Eckerle (Designated)

Donne Brownsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)

Keely Bosler, Director, Department of Finance; Gayle Miller (Designated)


Senate Representatives

Benjamin Allen (District 26)

Josh Becker (District 13)

John Laird (District 17)


Assembly Representatives

Gregg Hart (District 37)

Christopher Ward (District 78)

Tina McKinnor (District 61)


Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer

Amy Roach, General Counsel



Agenda updated 5/18/2023 4:11 PM, after mailing of hardcopy, to add Item 24. On 5/22/23 Item 7 was revised to correct a typo in the grant amount.

Hybrid Meeting

DATE: June 01, 2023

TIME: 10:00 A.M

LOCATION: California Natural Resource Agency

715 P Street, Room 2-221 A-C

Sacramento, CA 95814


*Live Spanish interpretation is provided during our Board Meetings on the Zoom teleconference.

*Se proporciona interpretación en español en vivo durante nuestras reuniones de la Junta en la teleconferencia de Zoom.


This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format in accordance with Government Code Section 11133. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.

Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:


Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site:  If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.


Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.



2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s April 6, 2023 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $711,000 for preparation of final designs, obtaining permits, and conducting project management support as an augmentation and expansion of the Conservancy’s grant, previously authorized on June 18, 2020, for planning and permitting for the restoration and enhancement of floodplain habitat on the Carmel River at the Rancho Cañada unit of the Palo Corona Regional Park in Monterey County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,000,000 to the County of Monterey to augment the Conservancy’s grant, previously authorized on February 3, 2022, to construct the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement Project in Monterey County.


C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $426,017 to Ducks Unlimited to augment the Conservancy’s grant, previously authorized on March 25, 2021, for construction of the Ocean Ranch Restoration Project for project modifications including installing a new culvert and access road, conducting storm damage repair and increasing project resilience to future storms, installing new fencing and gates to manage public access, and preparing and installing interpretive signage and materials at the Ocean Ranch Unit of the Eel River Wildlife Area near Loleta in Humboldt County.


D. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $60,000 to the Point Arena Lighthouse Keepers, Inc. to conduct a geologic study of the Point Arena Bluff underlying the Point Arena Lighthouse to assess the site’s resilience to future storms and the overall safety of the Point Arena Lighthouse, in Mendocino County.

Addendum: Point Arena Lighthouse

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $406,900 to the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County to replace a concrete ford with a bridge spanning Cachagua Creek to improve fish passage in the upper Carmel River watershed, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse $1,347,257 received by the Conservancy from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Save the Redwoods League to augment the Conservancy’s grant, authorized on March 24, 2022, of $6,602,136 to the Yurok Tribe and California Trout, Inc. to restore approximately 11.5 acres of riparian habitat on lower Prairie Creek as part of the Redwood National and State Park Visitor Center and Restoration Project at the former Orick Mill A site in Humboldt County, as follows: $1,097,257 to the Yurok Tribe and $250,000 to California Trout, Inc.


G. Consideration and possible authorization to amend the Conservancy’s revenue sharing agreement with The Conservation Fund for the Big River/Salmon Creek Forests in Mendocino County.




4. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,960,900 to the City of Berkeley to conduct technical studies, prepared preliminary engineering, and prepare a draft environmental review document for the Berkeley Pier and Water Transportation Project in Alameda County.


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $10,940,911 to Ducks Unlimited, which includes $3,940,911 in funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to restore tidal marsh and enhance managed ponds as part of Phase 2 of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties.

Addendum: Phase 2 of The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to Sonoma Land Trust to acquire the 654-acre McCormick Ranch Property for the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural and scenic resources, including wildlife corridors and habitat, wetland and water resources, and landscape resilience related to climate change; and providing open space, public access, recreational use, and Tribal and indigenous cultural uses compatible with natural resource protection in the Mayacamas Mountains of Sonoma and Napa Counties.




7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,500,000 to California Trout, Inc. for the acquisition of the 175-acre Prior Ranch and development of restoration designs, CEQA materials and permit applications for the Elk River Habitat Restoration Project in Humboldt County.

Addendum: Support Letter

Addendum: Support Letter

Addendum: Support Letter

Addendum: Support Letter

8. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $4,500,000 to the Hoopa Valley Tribe to acquire approximately 10,300 acres of real property known as the Pine Creek Tract, in the Klamath River watershed, to protect and restore water quality, anadromous fish habitat, wildlife habitat, wildlife connectivity, and forest health, and for tribal and public access compatible with natural resource protection.


9. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $6,961,872 of funds from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and up to $3,711,683 of Conservancy funds as follows: up to $8,025,640 to the Yurok Tribe and up to $2,177,555  to California Trout, Inc. to restore approximately 15.9 acres of riparian habitat on lower Prairie Creek as part of the Redwood National and State Park Visitor Center and Restoration Project at the former Orick Mill A site in Humboldt County, and $470,360 to the Yurok Tribe to plan for the continuation of similar restoration activities upstream in Prairie Creek and its tributaries.




10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,261,472, including $696,600 in Conservancy funds and $564,872 awarded to the Conservancy by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Program, to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to restore approximately 45 acres of coastal wetland and dune scrub habitat at the Black Lake Ecological Area in San Luis Obispo County.


11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,000,000 to the Wildlands Conservancy to acquire 11,692 acres of the Rana Creek Ranch in upper Carmel Valley to protect water quality, natural resources, wildlife habitat, scenic open space, and compatible agriculture including cattle grazing, and for public and tribal access compatible with such uses.


12. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $910,000 to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to acquire a conservation easement over the 736-acre Warren Ranch located in the upper San Simeon and Santa Rosa Creek watersheds to protect natural resources, water quality, anadromous fish habitat, wildlife habitat, scenic open space, and compatible agriculture including cattle grazing within these coastal watersheds


13. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $2,680,000 to the City of Santa Barbara to prepare technical studies and feasibility reports and to conduct community outreach for adapting waterfront areas at-risk to sea level rise; and to prepare conceptual designs and environmental review documents for relocation of wastewater and water system infrastructure in the City of Santa Barbara.


14. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,090,000, including $970,000 of grant funds from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation to conduct pre-acquisition activities, coordinate with landowners and key stakeholders, acquire a conservation easement over 24 acres of agricultural land, and prepare conceptual designs for floodplain restoration and coastal access along Tembladero Slough, between Castroville and Salinas River State Beach.


15. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $864,000 to the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County to lead the Scotts Creek Technical Advisory Committee and provide technical assistance to Caltrans on preparation of environmental review and permit applications for the Scott Creek Coastal Resiliency project, consisting of restoration of approximately 25 acres of Scott Creek Lagoon and marsh and replacement of the Highway 1 bridge at Scott Creek Lagoon in Santa Cruz County




16. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $575,000 to the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy to prepare designs, permit applications, and environmental review for restoring 44.8 acres of degraded wetlands at Newland Marsh in Huntington Beach, Orange County.


17. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $16,200,000 to the City of San Buenaventura (Ventura) to construct Phase 2 of the Surfers Point Managed Retreat Project, a sea level rise adaptation project that relocates existing infrastructure landward and restores beach dune habitat, in Ventura.


18. Consideration and authorization to disburse up to $3,192,500 to the Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association to develop final design plans, to conduct pre-restoration monitoring, and to apply for permits for the first phase of the Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II in San Diego County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.




19. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $4,983,994 to a Tribe, four nonprofit organizations, three resource conservation districts, and the Regents of the University of California for nine wildfire resilience projects.

Addendum: Support Letter

20. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $449,900 to the Wildlands Conservancy for fuel reduction, vegetation management, and installation of grazing infrastructure on 796 acres on Jenner Headlands Preserve, Jenner, Sonoma County.


21. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $989,300 to Russian Riverkeeper to implement the Healdsburg Arundo Removal Project, which consists of removing invasive Arundo donax along 5 miles of the Russian River to reduce fire risk to Fitch Mountain and Healdsburg in Sonoma County.


22.Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $515,200 to the Pepperwood Foundation to reconstruct fire-damaged grazing infrastructure and conduct vegetation management, including forest thinning, prescribed burns, and grazing to reduce wildfire risk at the Pepperwood Preserve in Sonoma County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.


23.Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,150,000 to remove dead and dying trees along a ten-mile stretch of road that is also a fuel break and processing the wood into a charcoal product at the San Vicente Redwoods Preserve in Santa Cruz County.


Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.







Addendum: Public Comments

Addendum: Public Comments

Addendum: Public Comments

Addendum: Public Comments


A. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


B. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


C. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


D. To confer regarding Defend Ballona Wetlands, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 20STCV29911. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


E. To confer regarding Lebolt v. City and County of San Francisco, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. CGC-19-581761. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


F. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).




Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at

(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:

1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in San Rafael – April 06

Meeting Notice

Douglas Bosco (Public Member), Chair
Joy Sterling (Public Member)
Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš (Public Member)
Joseph Alioto Jr. (Public Member)
Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources; Bryan Cash (Designated)
Donne Brownsey, Coastal Commission Chair; Madeline Cavalieri (Designated)
Keely Bosler, Director, Department of Finance; Gayle Miller (Designated)

Senate Representatives
Benjamin Allen (District 26)
Josh Becker (District 13)
John Laird (District 17)

Assembly Representatives
Gregg Hart (District 37)
Christopher Ward (District 78)
Tina McKinnor (District 61)

Amy Hutzel, Executive Officer
Amy Roach, General Counsel

Hybrid Meeting
DATE: April 06, 2023
TIME: 10:00 A.M
LOCATION: Marin Civic Center Annex
20 Avenue Of The Flags,
San Rafael, CA 94903

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid virtual/in-person format in accordance with Government Code Section 11133. To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency, members of the public can choose to watch the webcast of the meeting or participate in the meeting via Zoom, by telephone, or in person at the location listed above. People attending in person will be required to adhere to the site’s health guidelines, which could include wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.
Members of the public may watch an online webcast of the meeting or join the meeting by internet with Zoom or by telephone with the following steps:

Webcast (Watch Only): To watch the meeting and not provide verbal comments, please view the webcast at this site: If you do not wish to provide verbal comments, we strongly recommend watching the webcast as this will free up space on the webinar for those who are providing verbal comments. If you intend to make verbal comments, please do not view the webcast, and then switch over to the Zoom webinar or phone to comment, as the webcast will have a time delay and you may miss the opportunity to comment.

Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Telephone (To Make Comments): Members of the public can offer verbal comments on agenda items by calling in via telephone. Zoom registration is required. Register for the Zoom Webinar at the link above and you will receive an email with a phone number to dial in by telephone. When the agenda item you want to speak on is being presented, press *9 to “raise your hand” and indicate your interest in making a comment. You will be called upon (using your phone number to identify you) and will be unmuted at the appropriate time.

More information on how to participate and comment verbally on an agenda item or during open public comment can be found here.

* Spanish interpretation will be provided for the April 06, 2023 meeting if you join by zoom.


2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Conservancy’s February 2, 2023 public meeting.


A. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $41,200 to the Mattole Restoration Council to complete preacquisition activities for 52 acres of wetland, riparian, grassland, and forested habitat on the North Fork Mattole River in Humboldt County.

B. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $3,000,000 to augment the Conservancy grant of $1,200,000 previously authorized to Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District to prepare plans, designs, and environmental documentation for the 3.4-mile segment of the Santa Ana River Trail known as the Rincon to Prado Spillway segment in the County of Riverside.

C. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $200,000 to the City of Riverside to complete a feasibility study to assess the viability of establishing the Riverside River District along the Santa Ana River in the City of Riverside, Riverside County.

D. Information Report to correct an error regarding the prior grant amount in the May 27, 2021 staff recommendation for the Topanga Lagoon Restoration Planning Project at Topanga State Park and Topanga Beach in Los Angeles County.

E. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $400,000 to the Solano Land Trust to augment the Conservancy’s previously authorized grant for construction of a staging area and other public amenities at Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi Open Space Park (formerly Rockville Trails Preserve).

F. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $100,000 to the Mendocino Land trust, Inc. to prepare designs, environmental review documents and permit applications for the Arena Cove Coastal Trail in Arena Cove, Point Arena, Mendocino County.


A. Resolution in Honor of Ann Notthoff

B. Delegation of Additional Authority to Conservancy’s Executive Officer


5. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $7,000,000 to the Land Trust of Napa County to acquire 465 acres of the 2,300-acre Walt Ranch Property for habitat preservation, biodiversity protection, climate resilience, improving wildlife corridors, and public access and tribal cultural uses compatible with natural resource protection in the Capell Valley of Napa County, California.

6. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to complete environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act and to support the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act, and prepare permit applications for beneficial reuse of excavated tunnel material from VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II tunneling project in Santa Clara County at wetland restoration projects in the South San Francisco Bay.

7. Consideration and Possible authorization to disburse up to $3,049,000 to the City of Berkeley to design, obtain permits for, and construct Berkeley Waterfront improvements in Alameda County consisting of 1) renovating the existing South Cove West parking lot, and 2) repairing the existing Cesar Chavez Park perimeter trail; and adoption of findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.


8. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $1,377,000 to the Crescent City Harbor District to prepare plans and designs, environmental review documents, and permit applications for the reconstruction of Citizens’ Dock and to construct a new restroom serving South Beach in the Crescent City Harbor in Del Norte County.

9. Consideration and potential authorization to disburse up to $309,650 to the Smith River Alliance to prepare final designs, permit applications, and plans for interpretive elements for the Point Saint George Coastal Trail Project, which consists of construction of approximately 1.25 miles of coastal trail, resource protection, interpretive content, and improvements to the main trailhead parking area at Point Saint George in Del Norte County, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act.

10. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $750,000 to the County of Humboldt to implement the Humboldt Bay Living Shoreline Planning Project, which consists of completing preliminary designs, conducting CEQA review and technical analysis, and preparing 65% design plans and permit applications for phased salt marsh restoration as a sea level rise adaptation measure along the Eureka-Arcata Highway 101 and Humboldt Bay Trail corridor in Humboldt County.


11. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $995,500 to Zero Foodprint to implement 15-25 agricultural soil carbon sequestration projects, and to sustainably increase soil carbon sequestration in California by developing ongoing regional funding mechanisms, and by helping establish and advance relevant local ordinances and policies.

Please note: If a closed session is needed, the Conservancy will reconvene in person and on the webcast and zoom webinar to make any reports required by Section 11125.2 of the Government Code.



A. To confer regarding Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, et al. (Environmental Science Associates, Real Party in Interest), Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 22STCP03307. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

B. To confer regarding Pappas, et al. v. State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 1417388. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

C. To confer regarding Grassroots Coalition, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 21STCP02237. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

D. To confer regarding Defend Ballona Wetlands, et al. v. California State Coastal Conservancy, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. 20STCV29911. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

E. To confer regarding Lebolt v. City and County of San Francisco, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. CGC-19-581761. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).

F. To confer regarding City of Trinidad v. Tsurai Ancestral Society, et al., Humboldt County Superior Court Case No. DR180684. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(A).


On Wednesday, April 5, the Conservancy will tour the following sites, as close as possible to the identified times, which might be affected by traffic:

  • 11-12:30pm: Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi Open Space Park (project site for item 3E on this Agenda), Fairfield
  • 1:45-2:30: Dotson Family Marsh/Giant Marsh Living Shorelines at Pt Pinole Regional Shoreline, Richmond (lunch break at Giant Marsh from 1:15-1:45)
  • 3:30-4:30pm Hamilton Wetlands including Native Plant Nursery and Bel Marin Keys Unit V Restoration, Novato

Members of the Public are welcome to join the tour but must provide their own transportation. The tour will conclude at 4:30pm.

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence at the discretion of the Conservancy. At any time during the meeting, but prior to the adjournment of the open session of the meeting, the Conservancy may recess or adjourn to closed session to consider personnel matters, prices and terms of real estate transactions, and possible and pending litigation. Session will be closed to the public pursuant to attorney-client privilege and statutory authorization under Government Code Sections 11126(a), (c) (7), and (e).
Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this public meeting should contact Taylor Samuelson no later than five days prior to meeting.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Taylor Samuelson at
(510) 286-4182 or or at the Conservancy:
1515 Clay Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612